#2 sifu where you went? I thought you somewhere meditating.
Can you stop your situ here sifu there? I meditate for what you fool.
#2 sifu where you went? I thought you somewhere meditating.
Iiizzzziiiiiittttt?!?!Can you stop your situ here sifu there? I meditate for what you fool.
the battlestar galactica apocalypse continues.......the saga continues
the battlestar galactica apocalypse continues.......the saga continues
the battlestar galactica apocalypse continues.......the saga continues
the battlestar galactica apocalypse continues.......the saga continues
shoo shooo....i am also your Sifu No 3!
Can you stop your situ here sifu there? I meditate for what you fool.
the battlestar galactica apocalypse continues.......the saga continues
8. Then out of the blue, Jw5 and TFBH suddenly came with some solid evidence that Kopiuncle is in fact the Internet Warrior - one Mr Sea. They even threatend Kopiuncle of exposure and even threatend Kopi in real life. Kopi took this seriously and reported to BossSamLeong who reassured Kopi and advised him what to do. jw5 continued to taunt Kopi and TFBH continued to support JW5. After some time, they were tired of their Mr Sea but the imprint was used by others to continue to taunt and bash Kopi for being a PAP troll, a PAP IB , a PAP porlampar and so on. This is utter rubbish but the bashing continued and carried over in almost every thread. The bashing was relentless. It was humiliating and it was sheer contempt and ridicule.
13. The crucial point here is The Organization. It is known by various names here. It's a very powerful Organization and at one point Kopi was rewarded with 600 points!!! and more!!! After BOssSam changed the system , things were less chaotic. The POWER was reduced but the Nuclear Power is still there. The Organization is still very Powerful and it will determine the DEATH of Kopiuncle at long last. Unless....unless....BossSam comes into the picture. But it is economically suicidal to interfere in this Final Battlestar Galactica Apocalypse. You can see the sudden emergence of New Clones with so much POWER - all coming in to bash Kopi, to derail important threads, irritate him, humiliate him, mock him, taunt him and rubbish and garbage him - forcing him into a desperate wall to retaliate with similar vulgarities thus opening his defence for further attacks and zappings...
To be continued.................Is Kopi a troll? Is Kopi an agent? Is Kopi an IB? Is Kopi the Master of The Universe? .....stay tuned
for the concluding saga.
Minor sifus I am glad to be your junior here
I wanna to be Sifu No 1. Can you quickly get rid of the other two!
What will be my reward sifu#3?. Whats in it for me? Any contract between us before I put a contract on them?
Wait wait...I am waiting for the Finale....Master Sifu No1 story spin sibei solid...must see if he Conclude his Story or he Spin some more lah![]()