Thank you. The Blackhole is where all of us will have to return to...but The Lord Of The Ring is the vehicle to the Blackhole...

Hihihi, my prediction the highest views will be the day when 154 report something wrong with our cpf.
Who is the most powerful Lord here in SBF ?
Our CPF is our blood line. It will never collapse. It will just grow and grow, bigger and bigger, richer and richer!!! There is no need to fear anything will go wrong with our CPF - as strong as the Rock Of Gibraltar!! Infallible,invulnerable ,incollapsible!!!
Even a 150 years Lehman Brothers bank can collapse overnight, you think CPF is as strong as the Rock of Gibraltar
Think again![]()
eye lids? don't think they have eye lids but they roll their eyes backwards into its sockets to prevent injuries during an attack. please correct me if i'm mistaken.
Now back to my Battlestar Galactica!!!....Who is this Internet Warrior who is always defending The Empire???
Lord of the riiinng riiinng liao?The Lord Of The Ring will arrive soon to announce the Master Of The Universe....Who is he ???
wow. this crazy thread is still going strong. what the fuck !![]()
Izit???????This is the HEAD of the CCCbye Gang. His 4142 points will become minus 9999999 at DAWN....
He will be disable at DAWN!!!
The Battle is still raging...The Lords and the Masters are appearing here by proxies. Soon they will all appear to do The Final Battle...
Hang Down Your Head Tom Dooley.....Mr Chon will be gone at DAWN...that's the ORDER from the Masters and Lords....