Thank you Unc1e.
I am going to retire from here pretty soon. It has been a grueling battle and I have been spending so much time here. I hope you can take over and fight the battle to save the galaxy.
I H P has changed and I think he is a GOOD man and I hope he remains a GOOD forummer here. Joetys is a GOOD man at heart and I do not want to engage him. He is also Mr Nice. M B S S L O T S is also a GOOD man and I don't want to enter the casino from now on. And to all my constant combatants like Chonburifc and WSikiphile and Narong, please forgve me for being so rash, so reckless and so explosive full of drama, I am sorry if I hurt all your feelings. Old KopiUncle is going to retire and this new Unc1e can continue to carry on the battle to save the galaxy.
And to all the intellectuals here Jw5,TFBH,Asterix,TopSage , Zeddy.Laksaboy...Hasley...TracuTan...Zhihau...thank you for all your enlightening posts and very cheem postings.
Last but not least, I thank BOSS for saving me from banishment so very often. Thank you BOSS SAM - you are the best moderator ever!!!
And to the Organisation and to the Group and Triads, good luck in achieving your objectives. Thank you as well. Thanks for the memories...
Take care everyone and GOD BLESS all in SBF.