When he wants to emphasize on the importance of Parliamentary representation, I don't know why he has to devalue the worth and duty of taking care of the ward. When cornered with that, instead of clarifying that both are equally important, he dug himself deeper in with the difference of taking care and looking after. Frankly, no sane voter would vote for someone who said that. Fortunately, not everybody reads internet forums.
When Equalisation posted a simple single-liner opining he's "no go all the way," meaning it's hard to win like that, he exploded in fury accusing people of expecting him to go all the way like JBJ staking and losing everything. Along the way of his misplaced defensiveness, he dug further deeper by putting down JBJ who was respected in all opposition circles, regardless of personal losses, had achieved far more than him politically. Even hard drinking and womanising dirty old man looks more sober.