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tharman will probably be president for 12 years (2x terms)


Ppl here are crazy cuckoo to give him a 70% endorsement! He has not done a single good thing to deserve this...
Sinkies just luv to be screwed over n over again...

Scrooball (clone)

Ppl here are crazy cuckoo to give him a 70% endorsement! He has not done a single good thing to deserve this...
Sinkies just luv to be screwed over n over again...
Not happy? Migrate to Malaysia la



Alfrescian (InfP) - Comp
Generous Asset
They already do appoint whomever they want to the CPA which pulls the strings of the president.

But no one really reads the constitution so nobody bothers about it.

LMW is right, race based politics like the GRCs is no longer relevant.
who told u CPA pulls the Pres strings? Another urban legend BS


Alfrescian (InfP) - Comp
Generous Asset
It's okay Mr Countryman. Each has a right to their own opinions & gifted Free Will.

The insignificant nobody me will not attempt to convince you or any other fellow Human, nor take away your Earth born gift of Free Will. Free Will is a power & comes with responsibilities to oneself & to others, in our journey towards common goals, thus may each choose paths wisely. I can only share a light, for others to gain a far bigger perspective.

I wish you all the best, & may you succeed in life in your own honest way. :smile:
Yes, the insignificant nobody that is you should not come here with your excess PAP balls licking and nauseate us.


Alfrescian (InfP) - Comp
Generous Asset
They already do appoint whomever they want to the CPA which pulls the strings of the president.

But no one really reads the constitution so nobody bothers about it.

LMW is right, race based politics like the GRCs is no longer relevant.
Obviously, it bothers me. And it bothers 30% of the population and some years it bothers 40% of them. But it does not bother the 60-70% gongcheebye. SO what is the solution. It rests with the 30% to convince their 70% friends that the real story is other then what they see


Obviously, it bothers me. And it bothers 30% of the population and some years it bothers 40% of them. But it does not bother the 60-70% gongcheebye. SO what is the solution. It rests with the 30% to convince their 70% friends that the real story is other then what they see

Nah, the 30% don't tend to friend the 70%. Never shall the twain meet

Change will only come when there is catastrophic failure in the system. At that point, another social revolution will redistribute wealth of the nation again.


yes, 2 terms, I saw it coming. The problem is by that time, the clowns who will be in the mid-60s to take over are CCS/OYK etc :eek::o-o:


I've nothing against Tharman.. But what's exactly so good about him? Of coz we know of all his credentials but I don't recall him doing a single good thing for regular Sinkies like us! Has he ever spoken up for Sinkies to challenge or adjust the system @Times?
He tell off ang moh at st gay land say we no safe tee net ours is a trampoline call skills future make many a job less man bounce back to greater heights like the glib spin doctor he is. :cautious: