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tharman will probably be president for 12 years (2x terms)


I've nothing against Tharman.. But what's exactly so good about him? Of coz we know of all his credentials but I don't recall him doing a single good thing for regular Sinkies like us! Has he ever spoken up for Sinkies to challenge or adjust the system @Times?


I've nothing against Tharman.. But what's exactly so good about him? Of coz we know of all his credentials but I don't recall him doing a single good thing for regular Sinkies like us! Has he ever spoken up for Sinkies to challenge or adjust the system @Times?

As everyone knows about Mr Tharman's credentials & decades of service to our Nation, there is no need to repeat it here. Ultimately, it is about COLLECTIVE efforts of the carefully ELECTED Legislators by CITIZENS that made Singapore what it is today. Many issues & details are discussed behind the scenes. No one could justifiably take credit for successes, as it came from the collective whom worked TOGETHER positively to overcome challenges.

That we citizens survive, have food, water, shelter & jobs, peace, progress, justice & equality, are the basic yardsticks of measurement for what the Elected Govt as well as the 61% voters had done for us. There is more to be done to improve, but in the end, Singapore is not a nanny State. Each citizen too must pull their own weight together as one to progress further.


As everyone knows about Mr Tharman's credentials & decades of service to our Nation, there is no need to repeat it here. Ultimately, it is about COLLECTIVE efforts of the carefully ELECTED Legislators by CITIZENS that made Singapore what it is today. Many issues & details are discussed behind the scenes. No one could justifiably take credit for successes, as it came from the collective whom worked TOGETHER positively to overcome challenges.

That we citizens survive, have food, water, shelter & jobs, peace, progress, justice & equality, are the basic yardsticks of measurement for what the Elected Govt as well as the 61% voters had done for us. There is more to be done to improve, but in the end, Singapore is not a nanny State. Each citizen too must pull their own weight together as one to progress further.
I don't agree.. Sorry to say n l'm not convinced.


I don't agree.. Sorry to say n l'm not convinced.

It's okay Mr Countryman. Each has a right to their own opinions & gifted Free Will.

The insignificant nobody me will not attempt to convince you or any other fellow Human, nor take away your Earth born gift of Free Will. Free Will is a power & comes with responsibilities to oneself & to others, in our journey towards common goals, thus may each choose paths wisely. I can only share a light, for others to gain a far bigger perspective.

I wish you all the best, & may you succeed in life in your own honest way. :smile:


Old Fart
He sideline himself to avoid the coming war of the worlds.

He can be president for the rest of his natural life. Just change the constitution on Monday.
I was thinking the same damned thing. Why bother with an elected president? They can simply appoint whoever they want, and that person can then remain president for life. Or until they lose the pap's favour. This elected president thing is a circus.



yes, correct :biggrin:



Alfrescian (InfP) - Comp
Generous Asset
Tharman then Ho Ching. The script is set.
That is not the script. Jinx is already 70. If Tharm serves 2 terms and she takes over, she will be 82. That cheebye should be dead in the grave by then or have open mouth like FIL


Alfrescian (InfP) - Comp
Generous Asset
As everyone knows about Mr Tharman's credentials & decades of service to our Nation, there is no need to repeat it here. Ultimately, it is about COLLECTIVE efforts of the carefully ELECTED Legislators by CITIZENS that made Singapore what it is today. Many issues & details are discussed behind the scenes. No one could justifiably take credit for successes, as it came from the collective whom worked TOGETHER positively to overcome challenges.

That we citizens survive, have food, water, shelter & jobs, peace, progress, justice & equality, are the basic yardsticks of measurement for what the Elected Govt as well as the 61% voters had done for us. There is more to be done to improve, but in the end, Singapore is not a nanny State. Each citizen too must pull their own weight together as one to progress further.
Spoken like a true PAP Ballslicker and IB dog. I have news for you. Food, water, jobs, shelter, peace, progress, etc. are basic things that ALL governments in the world deliver to their citizens. But non of these govts charge their citizens multi million $ salaries to do so. Just because the singapore govt also delivers these things mean nothing. They were elected to do so. Understand? As for justice and equality you mention, kindly point out where in singapore can you find it?
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I was thinking the same damned thing. Why bother with an elected president? They can simply appoint whoever they want, and that person can then remain president for life. Or until they lose the pap's favour. This elected president thing is a circus.

They already do appoint whomever they want to the CPA which pulls the strings of the president.

But no one really reads the constitution so nobody bothers about it.

LMW is right, race based politics like the GRCs is no longer relevant.


Old Fart
They already do appoint whomever they want to the CPA which pulls the strings of the president.

But no one really reads the constitution so nobody bothers about it.

LMW is right, race based politics like the GRCs is no longer relevant.
Speaking of the Constitution, anything advantageous to them is passed into law. They might hold debates to champion their cause, to give it "legitimacy". But each piece chips away at our freedoms. Such high handedness do not seem to bother most of us.


Speaking of the Constitution, anything advantageous to them is passed into law. They might hold debates to champion their cause, to give it "legitimacy". But each piece chips away at our freedoms. Such high handedness do not seem to bother most of us.

The country sold its soul for the almighty dollar a long time ago. LHL and HC went full retard to embrace neoliberalism in the past decades. Lee sold and Ho bought... Biggest farce in our nation's history. That failed when we started re-nationalising previously privatised entities. Bus, MRT etc. Ho Sold and Lee bought.

"Three things cannot be long hidden: the sun, the moon, and the truth" - nice old dude.