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tharman will probably be president for 12 years (2x terms)


Alfrescian (Inf)
Yes, because PAP will not be able to find another replacement who can be as good as Tharman. Why waste a good former Finance minister?


Yes, because PAP will not be able to find another replacement who can be as good as Tharman. Why waste a good former Finance minister?

He sideline himself to avoid the coming war of the worlds.

He can be president for the rest of his natural life. Just change the constitution on Monday.


Knn ,if he is Ong tc then we ok ,but if he is puppet ,which I think will be ,we are screwed,actually president in sg is just puppet,his son soon will be in politics,now 70% are screwed,cos.sinkies wants their properties to appreciate, but the truth is they only own one,lol,sinkies are dumb