There is or are reason/s that Iris Koh is alive and Adrian Tan is dead.
Iris Koh also got cancer at one time but she reversed her cancer i think and now become a certified health advisor. However, Adrian Tan got cancer and die. Let's explore the reason base on my very humble opinion.
Let's explore Adrian Tan's words:
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No, as someone who understand intuition, energy reading and sensing, you mean unvaxxed are low IQ. Yeah Very true, kanna vaxxed is being bound.
i see Ego, separation, status, labeling
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Free will bro, free will. bound, gagged, muffled cries for help are not respecting free will. I bet you also grow up in such an environment and programmed to follow rule by the authority for the greater good. Authority do no wrong?
i see Ego, fear based programming, labelling, scarcity mind set, control
Let's explore Iris Koh words:
displaying empathy
empathy and love
Empathy and forgiveness
so who is going to 5D and who is not. who leave the Earth planet( that is moving to 5D) and who stay to be in 5D Earth planet. This is as clear and concise as it gets.