Re: Flaws Cannot Explain The Unguided Mutation
There are a lot of factual error in that video. for example it mention freezing of water violate 2nd law. at phase change dS = 0 as its a reversible process. that fucker obviously fail his thermodynamics modules. Violate my ass
Next, factual error, 2nd law thermodynamics laws HOLD FOR BOTH OPEN AND CLOSED SYSTEM, THE EQUATION DOES NOT GET ANYMORE COMPLEX, ITS STILL THE SAME FUCKING EQUATION WITH ZERO MODIFICATION. for closed system, just that pass through the system, so dS(total) = dS(system) as its isolated. For open system, heat exchange can take place, dS(total) = dS(system) + dS(surround) <---But if u look at it another way, this formed another closed system itself consisting of system and surrounding only with zero interaction with another system, if it comes into contact with another system, just add dS(system2) as its additive where system1, system2 are open but a combination of system1 and system2 now is viewed as closed. VERY COMPLICATED MEH (not to me at least)? open or closed system is how you look at the boundaries, the equations still holds. at the boundary of the open system define by the observer, upon considering the whole thing it is viewed as a closed system.
regardless, the equation still holds, just that the no of entities needed to consider for the entropy increases. which fuck up university this fucker graduated from.
the first half of the video i dunno what shit he is presenting. can i know which fuck up university he graduated from and what is his major. u fucking quote from a video that the stupid idiot has a fuck up basic foundation in this disciple.
My reference - TOP LEADING PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY TEXT AROUND THE WORLD = Atkin's Physical Chemistry 7th edition/8th edition. <---in case you are wondering, i finished reading every topic on thermodynamics in that book.