Looks like WP is caught in a straight jacket on their decisions. Teo nailed their ass good.
You can try do that but you cant debunk Teo's pointers in the rally
You can try do that but you cant debunk Teo's pointers in the rally
What about Pritam's pointers during last Saturday's WP rally?
I'm sure you know what I mean..
Yaw Shin Leong si ho lang ar pai lang?
so yu can rebut tch speech?
Answer me, Can you rebut TCH speech?
Nope I asked first, you answer me.
Wow, in his 60's, but still a good fighter! As good as you and I? May be better than I, but perhaps, you could match him, hand to hand or fist with fist?
from a youngster pov, i think Peh Chin Hua is the weakest ... he is the old school LKY, Ong ah heng style, no PAP = no singapore... totally out of touch.... threatening voters... may work on aunties and uncles...
Denise Phua Chee BYE speech is also weak... too logical and not emotional enough ... saying NMP can be a check is also weak and assume PAP will be in power forever ... totally arrogant assumption.. some neutrals might buy it...
from a neutral POV, I feel TCH speech is the most effective because he is totally trolling WP, it galvanised his core supporter and also appeal to neutrals... all his points draw blood becaise it seem like he has copy all the netizens arguements against WP ....
raising all the doubts in a most unstateman like manner but who care as long as it work .....
obviously opp supporters will hate his speech but that s fine because he doesnt need to appeal to them anyway...
overall PAP tactic of trying to sell Desmond as young and handsum is epic failed after Yaw saga
his saving pt is he can speak malay and teochew... I think more than half the WP leadership has problem conversing in mandarin...
I hope he really pulls a rabbit out of his hat, but he has to confront the issue and not the PAP. If he believes he can brush it aside, ignore, stonewall this issue, the WP might just be looking at an absolute unmitigated disaster and lose a safe seat
Looking ST the messages coming out from KBW, LHL and now TCH, they seem half hearted in their support for DC in HG. Seems like wanting to get over with this BE asap, never mind the results.
There messages are just too mild and aimless to make any impact.
Answer me, Can you rebut TCH speech?
Kinana said:Answer me, Can you rebut TCH speech?