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Tan Yuqing sends letter to Straits Times : "Make national language (Malay) compulsory for Singaporeans"


Alfrescian (InfP)
Generous Asset

With Singapore commemorating its bicentennial this year, I think it is a good time to make Malay, Singapore's national language, compulsory in schools.

I got to know more about Singapore's heritage and Malay culture while following the bicentennial celebrations, and I now understand why our national language is Malay.

I now feel more pride when singing our National Anthem in Malay, and I believe that if more students are taught Malay in school, they, too, will follow suit.

Our closest neighbours also share a similar language, so learning Malay will give us a common bond with friends in neighbouring countries.

Tan Yuqing, 17
Polytechnic Year 2 Student



Alfrescian (Inf)
Stupid girl. The right thing to do is to get rid of the use of Malay language in SAF and anthem. We speak Singlish and should be proud of Singlish. Leave Malay and the other 3 languages as official (pai sui only) language and adopt English in everything else.


Stupid girl. The right thing to do is to get rid of the use of Malay language in SAF and anthem. We speak Singlish and should be proud of Singlish. Leave Malay and the other 3 languages as official (pai sui only) language and adopt English in everything else.
No, learning Malay n alternative language make you more creative.
Learning Malay will enable you to travel to different parts of southeast Asia to make a decent living don't business


Alfrescian (Inf)
No, learning Malay n alternative language make you more creative.
Learning Malay will enable you to travel to different parts of southeast Asia to make a decent living don't business

Malay is a useless language …English is preferred in private sector in Mudland. Even in 100 million people Indon, English can get by.


Learn Malay is important because singkieland had to conquer mudland soon. Can't administered conquered territories without knowing the language n culture


Alfrescian (Inf)
We conquered Mudland and then make the Malays speak English. Most of the useful ones already speak English. They can teach the useless ones.


Alfrescian (Inf)
Malay is a simple language for simple people. Typing in Malay is far less tedious than in Chinese, Japanese, Korean or Thai.

Pelacur itu gila.

Saya suka buah dada.



High Order Twit / Low SES subject
Learn Malay is important because singkieland had to conquer mudland soon. Can't administered conquered territories without knowing the language n culture

It is far easier for Malaysia to conquer Singapore without a single shot being fired.

I fully agree that Singaporeans should learn their National Language and learn it well. It is ridiculous to have a National Language that only 15% of the population can understand.


I would think unbanning dialects is more of a priority. The fake angmoh yellow kids here are now monotongue. Our generation usually can speak 4 languages and above. Fake chinks are hopeless


I got to know more about Singapore's heritage and Malay culture while following the bicentennial celebrations, and I now understand why our national language is Malay.

I now feel more pride when singing our National Anthem in Malay, and I believe that if more students are taught Malay in school, they, too, will follow suit.
KNN just by attending a bicentennial celebration can make yuqing felt more pride in malay KNN then if she attend saf open house maybe she will say compulsory for woman serve ns KNN this type can learn halfway malay then give up type KNN


National Language = Malay
National Custom = Sarong Kebaya
National Flag = Islamic Crescent
National President = Malay (or a chap cheng)


National Race = Chinese
National Food = Bak Kut Teh


Alfrescian (Inf)
National Language = Malay
National Custom = Sarong Kebaya
National Flag = Islamic Crescent
National President = Malay (or a chap cheng)


National Race = Chinese
National Food = Bak Kut Teh
national hobby = motosikal riding
national exercise = food delivery and vice-versa :rolleyes:


Alfrescian (Inf)
Shopping at JB is a good way to brush up your Bahasa skills. Read the signs and the food labels etc.

You'll also discover fun items, for example, a 'halal' toothpaste. :biggrin:
