talking about slut, who can beat her?
Open mind (RJC) and open legs.
pls lah... those stats r for marriage, sinkie women lagi loose. some even prefer to b farked by spider than angmoh and we have one resident farker here who can attest to it.
The hard truth is that East Asian males are ugly. If wasn't for our wealth, most females of other races would not give us a second look.
To the TS..a very good post..about Fuckien people..tat is why I call them 福賤 人。but I know also Taiwanese gals can be friendly and not as stuck up as singkie gals . SPGs open their legs to any Ang mor.
The hard truth is that East Asian males are ugly. If wasn't for our wealth, most females of other races would not give us a second look.
70% of Taiwan population maybe Fujianese but it's only 10-50% in other areas. These bitches in the video, most of them may not necessarily be Hokkien but at least some would be.
It does not matter..most places with a fuckien majority and Hakka minority will always go down the dumps n b 3rd world. Look at pinoyland..99% of the Chinese r is practically 4th world if there was one. Look at the Taiwanese.. majority fuckiens n all speak mandarin..where is their culture? In Hong Kong..its a Cantonese city and Cantonese Cantonese is the main language..I dont see 2 HK ppl speak in mandarin overseas..but for the fuckiens. They speak mandarin..bloody bunch of kiasu kiasee kiam siup Kia bor die don't want face ppl. With these sort of attitude..might as well surrender to the so much cock also go nowhere.
Majority of Chinese are in singkieland are fuckiens..look at how much they love it's a good example of fuckiens attitude.