got pork no pork makes no difference to me. subway is like the last resort if i run out of ideas on what to eat.
maybe subway just wanna make more business from the halal consumers.
Fuck Lah ... Subway saw the ‘potential’ from the Malay community ...
knn, i've debunked your notion below - now that you've admitted to attending certain events even if pork is served. what events these are, are of no concern to us. nobody said m&ds are demanding halal food - as I said, if your host has invited you, they'll make arrangements to cater halal food if you've informed them of your acceptance, pork served at these events notwithstanding. as a m&d, pse don't adopt a pariah pratha-pusing position and weasel out of your statements here as that shows you up as a kampong mak-kental.Wat bodoh sombong? Very simple incase u dont ustand. If is a sad occasion, i will try to attend if time permit. If occasion like 7th mth, to me is not important. Faham? So u dont play the victim card and put it such a way tat Muslims "demand" host must prepare halal food. Just like how u always play the victim and accuse us of putting a knife under subway throat and force them to go halal? Lu otak kana scan tau sotong.
Ehh kotek jiuhukia. Anything wrong if i am not interested to attend certain event? Why should i attend 7th mth ghost festival? U go ask the xtians and the jews to attend lah. Open ur kotek eyes again. At no time we Muslims demand host must prepare halal food. If fact we go the extra mile to prepare vege or non beef food for our Buddhist/taoist neighbours cos we are not demanding. Anything wrong if we Muslims make the first move to cater for our guest liking? Betul tak kotek?
whoami said: ↑
I dont find it strange. Nobody is forcing u to cater to guests need. Nobody is stopping u from catering to host need. U have ur culture. I have mine. And likewise if my host have pork in the menu i would also politely turn down the invitation.![]()
Fuck Lah ... Subway saw the ‘potential’ from the Malay community ...
What if the host gives you women?
All food in singapore should be halal. Those who want pork should turn around and get the hell out of here!got pork no pork makes no difference to me. subway is like the last resort if i run out of ideas on what to eat.
maybe subway just wanna make more business from the halal consumers.
All food in singapore should be halal. Those who want pork should turn around and get the hell out of here!
All food in the whole world should be non-halal n mudslimes should just adopt n move on. Eat n enjoy pork n alcohol. They are God's creations after all. Alcohol has been around since men existed. Nothing wrong in enjoying alcohol occasionally n eating pork everyday.All food in singapore should be halal. Those who want pork should turn around and get the hell out of here!
In alberta we don't have this halal subway crap.All food in the whole world should be non-halal n mudslimes should just adopt n move on. Eat n enjoy pork n alcohol. They are God's creations after all. Alcohol has been around since men existed. Nothing wrong in enjoying alcohol occasionally n eating pork everyday.
Subway should cater to the majority of their customers, and they are not the Muslim people. their business will suffer. stupid decision.
Same as in Ozland...not yet anyway. N over here there are Muslims working in McDonald's or hungry jack's or subway etc where pork is served. They do it cause they need the job. One thing about Muslims is they are quite big on outward appearance. Like wear hijab. Pray 5 times a day etc..but on the inside they are terrorists n racial n religious bigots.In alberta we don't have this halal subway crap.
Muslims still buy from subway but they just avoid the pork meats e.g. ham.
What is so wrong with that?
I hope subway will only get mudslime customers. Non mudslime should vote with their wallets n patronise other outlets. That will teach subway a pork no pork makes no difference to me. subway is like the last resort if i run out of ideas on what to eat.
maybe subway just wanna make more business from the halal consumers.
All food in the whole world should be non-halal n mudslimes should just adopt n move on. Eat n enjoy pork n alcohol. They are God's creations after all. Alcohol has been around since men existed. Nothing wrong in enjoying alcohol occasionally n eating pork everyday.
knn, i've debunked your notion below - now that you've admitted to attending certain events even if pork is served. what events these are, are of no concern to us. nobody said m&ds are demanding halal food - as I said, if your host has invited you, they'll make arrangements to cater halal food if you've informed them of your acceptance, pork served at these events notwithstanding. as a m&d, pse don't adopt a pariah pratha-pusing position and weasel out of your statements here as that shows you up as a kampong mak-kental.
Ossie already exporting halal meat. What makes you think the steak you ate are not halal certified. It makes good busibess sense if you export mostly halal meat to a region, to make all meat halal to reduce expenses and possible contamination with non halal ones and possible repercussions.Same as in Ozland...not yet anyway. N over here there are Muslims working in McDonald's or hungry jack's or subway etc where pork is served. They do it cause they need the job. One thing about Muslims is they are quite big on outward appearance. Like wear hijab. Pray 5 times a day etc..but on the inside they are terrorists n racial n religious bigots.