I am not the moderator.
Despite the precis, you are not convincing. You guys screwed up and need to get your your act your together. It cannot bouncle from a clogged debris at Stamford Canal for the first incidetn to a prolonged silence for the next 2 events. Either you guys are lost, have really no idea what is the causing the incidents or have great difficult accepting that barrage has a part to play in this.
Suggest that you avoid evasive and unrelated comments. Unless there is record high rainfall which is unexcepted etc. do not bring in global warming and other issues which merely deflects the concerns and queries. And you are talking about dishonesty.
Lastly do no worry about my dishonesty or any other attributes. This again avoids addressing the subject at hand and very evasive. You can take it that my character is highly flawed, unreliable and god knows what. Just try to convince other in this forum what you think are the issues causing the Orchard Rd flood.
The one who is evasive is YOU! The person masturbating about Global Warming is YOU! I am the one who thinks it is crap.
You are disgustingly dishonest.
If you are not the moderator, you should ask Sam Leong to remove the status.