Bro, I know where you are coming from and you are right. Singaporeans are generally not familiar with the techicals of good government and good governance let along taking cognizance of glaring abuse of the democratic process. Its still riles me that Singapore don't wonder why Marine Parade Council office can be found in the heart of Hougang.
I note that you prefer to work on this where it hits the pocket, reduces the quality of life, puts citizens in a lesser position than foreigners, abuse of state funds, loss of purpose with CPF etc.
I would like explain why I prefer to target the technicals and instruments related to a democratic process. I do this with the hope that the intelligentsia do pick it up and they are usually in the capacity to influence and make changes. It will be long but necessary.
The second reason is also because there are many others including TOC that covers the material and quality of life impact on singaporeans. No need for me to write somehting on CPF etc when there are many others doing a good job.
For instance, till to day, not a single soul has written about PA and its control of grassroots organisations. I get PMs expressing shock and surprise when I touch on these. No one has touched on National Brainwashing Centre at South Buona Vista Road.
Forget about the intelligentsia as there are too few and they are up against a fascist political party. Authoritarian rule is what they aim for. It bothers the hell out of them that they have to give a few seats to the alternative parties in parliament.
The pappies unanimously truly believe in a one-party system.
The only way to beat the pappies is in the polls and it can be done. From S Korea, Indonesia, Philippines, Thailand and soon Malaysia the tide can be changed if people believe in making temporary sacrifices.
The pappies are scared shit when the next GE comes. The pappies have always strode on bread and butter issues but now that is more of their weakness than their strength.
Bread and butter issues is how the alternative parties can win the next election because it has become obvious that the pappies are clueless and are damned on FTs and anything that pushes up the GDP. But it is a short-term solution. If singaporeans are already suffering now, what more in 5-20 years?
With the type of policies in place, Singaporeans will continue to suffer greater and greater hardship. There is no lapse and it will continue unabated unless the pappies are voted out and policies that are put in place to truly help Singaporeans are put into practice.
Listen - when you talk to a baby you use baby sounds. When you talk to your parents you use a certain tone and you choose appropriate topics.
If you want to win votes you must also choose your tone and subject matter carefully. Your audience will be different depending on where you do the talking.
The intelligentsia cannot do anything on their own even if one is optimistic. The pappies rule in an authoritarian style. That is how they operate. It is their belief system. They will never give up the media and other restrictions that stifle true democracy.
It is good to bring such matters up from time to time to challenge them and to irritate them and to show them that they have no moral ground to stand on.
But to win votes, there are better ways.
Alternative parties have to speak to the civil servants and appease them and to ask that they vote with their conscience. If an alternative party does come to power, then the civil service must be confident that their jobs are not on the line but rather a new system of true meritocracy and one that puts Singaporeans first both for the short term and the long term.
The people must be made confident that chnage isn't for the sake of change but a change for te better. A change that puts the people first. A change that promises transparency and democracy so that the country can progress.
Previous GEs had lots of talk about civil society.
Today, the story is tragic in that we are talking about real bread and butter issues that almost every Singaporean knows about. It is like birth pangs.