God bless you LKY. You have done so much for the country. I bow before you in awe.
God bless you LKY. You have done so much for the country. I bow before you in awe.
if this is your style,it must be a pathetic style and you have to change so that you appear credible....of course i cannot change what you want to write here, you can swear, curse and fuck whatever you like..;but when you called me dumbfuck, i have the right to clarify with you...fair ???
and when you engaged me in a discussion,i have the right to condemn you for your pathetic style and your weakness of arguments...right? sensible? okay...good!!!
God bless you LKY. You have done so much for the country. I bow before you in awe.
correction: I run away to nz before your downfall to watch in awe.
That "living in NZ" part is actually a big lie.
Compare the photos above with Singapore today.... all thanks the LKY and his magnificent PAP team.
Those department stores were there to serve the elite Ang Moh rulers of Singapore. Very few locals could afford to shop there. My dad took me there in the mid 50s and the majority of shoppers were White. It was the same scenario in places like the Tanglin Club, the Naafi, the Cricket club and so on. I went to the Naafi just once when I was a kid. I was probably the only non white skinned guest there. The club was reserved for Ang Mohs only. Locals were only allowed in as guests if they were signed in by white members.
95% of Singapore was covered in kampongs and coconut trees with no electricity, no running water and no sewerage. LKY changed all that. He is my hero.
You can see for yourself how Singaporean lived at http://remembersingapore.wordpress.com/2012/04/04/from-villages-to-flats-part-1/
I too grew up in a Kampong house so I have first hand experience and saw the transformation from fishing village to modern metropolis with my own eyes.
The people of Singapore do not deserve any honor. They are just ordinary peasants with no special abilities.
Compare the photos above with Singapore today.... all thanks the LKY and his magnificent PAP team.