Mind if I know what is the point of this post with the link?
No, you didn't join NSP because there was any vacuum there to fill. You joined to fill the vacuum in you after you left WP. You became Sec-Gen because otherwise, you'd have resigned. Your vacuum couldn't be satisfactorily filled without that kind of position and authority to have your say counted with weightage, the exact reason why you left WP. NSP decided might as well let you be Sec-Gen since nobody else wanted it or have any personal political vacuum to fill anyway.
Politically, that's good for NSP, opposition and the nation in general. Only people who want and can should do it. Don't overdo the stuff about you don't want it but others need and persuade you to do it for the greater good or bigger picture. You'll sound more and more like Cao Cao claiming he didn't want to be King of Wei or Sima Zhao claiming that he didn't want usurp Wei. Even uneducated peasants need no schooling to see through it such that village proverbs were borne out of it.
Once politics is deep in your blood it's rather hard to dislodge it. I agree. It's in the blood of GMS, and for a good and not bad thing. I'm nearly certain that he'll be back in 2015 if he does not win in 2010/2011. But that would help us save some more experienced blood while new ones join in. In the same light, I hope CTL, Jaslyn Go, NEJ and Alex Tan and all those who are/were here in Sammyboy.com enter the election as opposition candidates. Let all seats be contested.
You're being too kind to the people u mentioned.
As for GMS I can agree with you. Politics is for him. He is now behaving like Steve Chia ... going around proclaiming that if he does not get elected he will retire from politics forever and migrate to Hong Kong. I don't think he should, or will ever desire that. Once you're in the game, BINGO, you're hooked. You can never give it up.
As for the others u mentioned, you are way too kind. Let me give u two simple examples.
Take that NEJ character u mentioned. I assume you are referring to the NG EJay of Sgpolitics and who now call himself political desk editor of TOC. That is one guy who SHOULD NEVER BE ALLOWED to stand for election. If what i'm reading in this forum is true, that guy is a bloody maniac who has tons of dirt and skeletons which the PAP can easily use to discredit him. He is one person who will bring down the party he stands. He will be no different from Harbans Singh. OPPOSITION DOES NOT NEED THIS KIND OF TROUBLE RIGHT NOW. It is far better for NEJ to just stay behind the computer and rant away. MUCH BETTER for us all, if what I;m reading in this forum is EVEN half true.
Second example: Alex Tan. That guy is another loser. Full of theatrical stuff and fancy showmanship. Again, OPPOSITION don't need this character.
Why I go thru all the trouble mentioning this is because I don't feel we need ANY opposition per se. We need opposition of a certain minimum standard. I disagree with the notion that ANY opposition is GOOD. It is not.
Better to be kind than notYou don't "lose" anything by being kind, but a lot for being unkind
The new elected SDA CEC to approval the SMC and GRC contesting Blue Print.
Chairman of SDA: Mr Sebastian Teo
Deputy Chairman: Edmund Ng
Vice Chairman: Christopher Neo Ting Wei
Vice Chairman: Sin Kek Tong
Secretary General: Kenneth Andrew Jeyaretnam
Deputy Secretary General: Goh Meng Seng
Assistant Secretary General: Steve Chia Kiah Hong
Assistant Secretary General: Yip Yew Weng
SDA main goal was to work towards re-merger with Malaysia. Not because Mr Chiam See Tong is a MP of Singapore
Can you fucking shut your cheebye mouth?
PAP model with Malaysia in 1963 was Federal government like USA.
Mr Chiam See Tong SDA Economy Union with Malaysia is like EU model
It is not my idea. It is Mr Chiam idea. You want Mr Chiam to shut the mouth?
No, you didn't join NSP because there was any vacuum there to fill. You joined to fill the vacuum in you after you left WP. You became Sec-Gen because otherwise, you'd have resigned. Your vacuum couldn't be satisfactorily filled without that kind of position and authority to have your say counted with weightage, the exact reason why you left WP. NSP decided might as well let you be Sec-Gen since nobody else wanted it or have any personal political vacuum to fill anyway.
Stop blabbering nonsense, Anthony Ng Chiew Kiat!
Is this an overriding coup or what? Where's Chiam See Tong and Desmond Lim? Put Edmund Ng and Goh Meng Seng together is like fusing Uranium-235.
Stop blabbering nonsense, Anthony Ng Chiew Kiat!