Sadly this is where Chiam has failed. He has been in politics for so long and he did not build or lay a proper founndation. He should not have misled Desmond in this way. Those who worked with Chiam know that he is bascially omo and to him the party and him are one and the same thing.
Desmond being colourless is known from day one. He was there for a purpose. The press release is certainly not his work.
Looks like RP and NSP are gaining ground while WP prefers to rely on the brand and their performance or the lack of performance in Parliament.
WP policy has been simple. Non-alliance except merger on terms agreeable to all parties concerned. Nothing new to LTK. It's been there since D. Marshall and JBJ. Barisan Socialis agreed to the terms and merged. It's got nothing to do with arrogance. It's got everything to do with recogniton that there's no such thing possible as unity with many tribal chiefs.
NSP has left SDA for certain reasons. But NSP has tried to convince SPP that a merger into SDA would be the right path. Apparently, that didn't materialize.
Goh Meng Seng
NSP has left SDA for certain reasons. But NSP has tried to convince SPP that a merger into SDA would be the right path. Apparently, that didn't materialize.
NSP has since moved on from there. It would take a greater reason for NSP to consider to re-join SDA again. I am not saying it is totally impossible but it would be very challenging indeed.
But let's see what happens to RP-SDA alliance.
Goh Meng Seng
I think PAP love it when talks of opposition unity come in vogue again. The more it's being talked about, the more disagreements, differences and cracks appear.
To see RP & NSP join SDA may sounds good for opposition unity, and probably got quite a few of us excited. But since NSP left SDA, NSP has in fact grown and move forward in the right direction, it has progressed reasonably. While the SPP/SDA under the present Chiam family leadership, is going nowhere, stagnant and lethargic like many had said.
To rejoin the alliance, after considering the latest episode in the recent SPP conference, better not, there's already plenty of politics within the SPP itself. Divided into the Chiam's family camp and DL's camp. If RP go in, another KJ camp, that's chaotic. NSP may want to consider this twice or more.
I remember we had a conversation where I said "opposition unity" was a term derived by the PAP while you disagreed and said it was a anti-PAP concept. Now you finally know what I mean.![]()
I remember we had a conversation where I said "opposition unity" was a term derived by the PAP while you disagreed and said it was a anti-PAP concept. Now you finally know what I mean.![]()
Yes, you're right.
I love to be in the wrong when I learn something right.
You don't expect Chiam to tell DL when he joined, "Sorry you will be condemned because I want it that way"? People have to be discerning when choosing parties and its leaders. Alternatively they have to be confident in taking over them within 5 years. GMS is wise because there was a vacuum by Steve Chia which he filled.
I do not join NSP because there was a vacuum left by anyone. Sebastian and Law Sin Ling have been doing very well in NSP before I decided to join. In fact, I won't want to take over any leadership post like SG if Sin Ling continues to be the SG. He was doing a great job. In fact, due to my other commitments, I didn't want to take up the SG post when Sin Ling decided to step down.
In short, I didn't think too far ahead when I decided to join NSP. I joined basically because Sebastian is very sincere in his approach and he was the only one who has approached me since I left WP. I was about to give myself a long break after I left WP although I playfully taunted the idea of forming a new political party.
But since Sebastian thinks that I could continue to contribute towards the bigger opposition cause and I could help NSP in many little ways, thus I joined. My little principle is that whichever party I join, wherever I go, I just do my best to serve the bigger aim of political plurality.
Goh Meng Seng
Just be happy that people are ready to contest the elections. My only worry is that some segments are not sure or can't tell the difference between political and social goals. It not that they are mutually exclusive but there is a need for focus and the key is getting support from Singaporeans.
Firstly, it is a pipe dream to think that the Opp camp with the state they are in, can capture power even if they are united, in the next GE. Secondly, Singaporeans need to feel comfortable, reassured and secure about a possible Opp in govt.