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Posted on 07 Aug 2010
S'pore is developed country but ports here have '3rd world' working conditions
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So sad
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Sure or not?
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STOMPer Timmie is disgruntled with the working conditions and environmentally unfriendly practices of ports here.
According to the STOMPer, freshwater is used in abundance for the sewage system of certain vessels, instead of seawater, which these vessels were designed to use.
Litter is also a common sight each time a vessel leaves its berth (where it is anchored at the port).
Timmie is also unhappy with the long working hours required of seafarers here, and makes his dissatisfaction known in an email:
“Let me share with you the various practices of ports here which are very environmentally unfriendly.
“First, some vessels are designed with a sewage system that utilizes seawater.
“Seawater is in abundance, yet to save trouble, freshwater is used instead. I think this is very wasteful.
“Second, every time a vessel leaves its berth a trail of litter will be left in it the sea where the vessel was anchored.
“Third, the shifts of the seafarers are torturous ones, with every worker, even Singaporeans, working day shifts from 7.30am to 7.30pm, and night shifts from 7.30pm to 7.30am.
“Singapore is a developed country, but with third world working conditions.
“I hope to see the Ministry of Manpower and the National Environment Agency doing something about the aforementioned issues, or I believe only foreigners will be willing to work under such conditions, simply because they have no choice."
S'pore is developed country but ports here have '3rd world' working conditions

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So sad
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Sure or not?
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STOMPer Timmie is disgruntled with the working conditions and environmentally unfriendly practices of ports here.
According to the STOMPer, freshwater is used in abundance for the sewage system of certain vessels, instead of seawater, which these vessels were designed to use.
Litter is also a common sight each time a vessel leaves its berth (where it is anchored at the port).
Timmie is also unhappy with the long working hours required of seafarers here, and makes his dissatisfaction known in an email:
“Let me share with you the various practices of ports here which are very environmentally unfriendly.
“First, some vessels are designed with a sewage system that utilizes seawater.
“Seawater is in abundance, yet to save trouble, freshwater is used instead. I think this is very wasteful.
“Second, every time a vessel leaves its berth a trail of litter will be left in it the sea where the vessel was anchored.
“Third, the shifts of the seafarers are torturous ones, with every worker, even Singaporeans, working day shifts from 7.30am to 7.30pm, and night shifts from 7.30pm to 7.30am.
“Singapore is a developed country, but with third world working conditions.
“I hope to see the Ministry of Manpower and the National Environment Agency doing something about the aforementioned issues, or I believe only foreigners will be willing to work under such conditions, simply because they have no choice."