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Special treatment for Iswaran - He is given his own single man cell to squat for the rest of his term

Narong Wongwan

Alfrescian (Inf)
I speculate that whiskey is very unlikely.
Meals may be slightly different.
With his clout can get doctors to certified him for special meals but also can’t deviate far from standard prison meals.
Unless wardens kelong their own meals to him.
Other inmates might sneak extra portions to him but also prison meals. Or canteen entitlements like prison snacks and foodstuff that’s about it


Someone aptly described sg prison before.
It’s just like NS but with no booking out.
And also no training, no tekan, no exercise (in fact prison frown on it), no extra duty, no guard duty….you get the drift
I will die inside the jail cause I can’t stand without aircon