This message addressed to Traitor Lee Hsien Loong which I copy from TRE is loud and clear:
By miw liars:
April 20, 2014 at 4:48 am
Voters, this devious and vicious MIW thug is a mother-fucking liar and a born hypocrite. Plus, Installed Son has been very anti-Singaporean in the last ten years. Just look at his policy – huge influx of all sorts of foreign workers, whether skilled or unskilled, to compete unabatedly and relentlessly with local Singaporean workers day to day, driving down wages and salary and also in many cases replacing Singaporean workers to no end.
His remarks on his Facebook is indeed traitorous and treacherous. Singapore Day is not the same as National Day. The fucking Pinoys want to celebrate their independence day in a public area in view of all people, want to fly
their national flag for all to see and presumably create a lot of noise and din in the process. This is indeed to be protested against.
But fucking Installed Son has crossed the line this time. Instead of calling Singaporeans soft, not hungry enough, not fast, not better, not cheap enough, he now calls Singaporeans who disagrees with the Pinoys’s plan
a disgrace.
What is disgraceful is Installed Son paying himself and his MIW thugs and bitches tens of millions in yearly compensation, plus huge bonuses, plus huge pension plan, and totally free medical and health benefits. And these elite MIW get their pension at age 50, while Singaporeans workers are not allowed, by changing rules every day, to withdraw their hard earned CPF monies at age 55.
All the benefits and fairness for them to enjoy, all other Singaporeans must be based on so called meritocracy, including meritocracy with the rest of the workers from all the countries of the world.
People and citizens, fathers and mothers, see the fucking installed Son for who he truly is, a fucking money grabber and evil politician whose family already amassed billions through exclusive contracts to Lee and Lee, contracts to crony companies, lucrative jobs to brothers, sisters, nephews, cousins, nieces, uncles and aunties. This is total corruption, blatant nepotism and illegal, hidden cronyism.
Sack the fucking Installed Son and the whole vicious MIW thugs and bitches in coming GE. And fuck the Old Devil to dying hell and burning damnation.
Vote for a new government, people. Vote for your family and your future.