deleteing facebook comments?
hahahah no FOOking balls to face the truth but scold the rest of us
Did LHL ever call any foreigner disgraceful even when they were really disgraceful? Not at all but he has no qualms to call Singaporeans disgraceful. He is really a disgraceful leader to put down citizens on every whim and fancy.
he doesnt seem to be the only politician deleteing facebook coments. wanna be a politican, must take the bad with the goodYou can play the social media game to present yourselves as being more interactive and approachable, but old habits die hard.![]()
Source: Say "No" to an overpopulated Singapore
Is our multi-million dollar income Prime Minister of Singapore, Mr Lee Hsien Loong a bigot and xenophobe himself?
One of the early 'top' comments with more than 30 'Likes' by a foreigner, Mr Timothy ( ) who is an American and used to live in Singapore, has been deleted from PM Lee's latest Facebook posting.
Even one of our own comment there which garnered 8 'likes' (asking Lee Hsien Loong to take a look at one of the provocative banner image by PIDCS) was immediately delete away.
Mr Timothy E. Garlock was reminding Lee that the Singapore government should always put Singaporeans' interests first above all other nationalities.
Does the Prime Minster feel that Mr Timothy's honest comment is also an act of 'trolling'?
Is Lee Hsien Loong one big hypocrite who on one hand accuse others of being xenophobic, while on the other hand, deletes away an innocuous comment by a foreigner on his Facebook page?
What do you think?
Ass Loon is unrepentant. He's adding salt to sinkies' wounds.
Singapore must welcome visitors, or risk lowering world standing: PM Lee
PUBLISHED ON APR 19, 2014 12:28 PM
Singaporeans must welcome visitors or risk lowering their standing in the eyes of the world, Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong said in a strongly-worded Facebook post on Saturday.
Wondering what is the Workers Party's view on this issue-the PM calling locals a disgrace and openly siding with foreigners who wants to show their flag in this country.
Yet I do not hear the PM saying anything about the Pinoy ,Carlos Pestano III from Seagate who called Singaporeans “rotten locals” .
This is the clearest example yet that the Pinoys here are not only not interested in being integrated into Singapore society but are defiantly and openly showing their Filipino nationalist zeal and thumping their nose at locals.
To compare it with Singaporean day overseas is not appropriate as Singaporeans are not being imported by their govt in a few hundreds of thousands to displace the people in these foreign countries.
How many votes will be lost?
Sometimes you just have to pass on the message....this comes fm the multinationals that invest in singapore. If they take their investments elsewhere, all you bengs will be fooked.