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Some kiasu parents still backside itchy want to game system for P1 registration


Lieutenant General
Must be changi hilton's cuisine damn hor jiak they want to try.



The parents all assume that "getting into the elite circle" will make life less difficult for their children. Hence the willingness to game the system.

If these parents were to spend as much time and effort mentoring their kids as they did trying to game the system, their kids would have a much better chance at succeeding in life than merely being dumped into an elite school.


Alfrescian (Inf)
These descendants of coolies does not realise that the so call elites mostly send their kids to schools in the west so that they can
have an easier life and still come back and be in the top social/economic circle.
Going to pressure cooker schools here only serve to fry the brains of the young who will grow up spending their entire life on one tutition after another and cannot even cope with a graduate from South pacific university , much less Mumbai, tagalog or Myanmar universities.


problem is these kind of parents probably is low IQ cheapo type, how to mentor their chewren properly?

Impart wisdom and model the right behaviour. That's all, not rocket science. Don't even need 4 GCE O level pass to have wisdom right?

"...the wisdom of the prophets are written on the subway walls..."


Alfrescian (InfP)
Generous Asset
If you have any names of parents falsifying their addresses, please alert your nearest RC. We will send some grassroots leaders to check it out before informing the authorities.


Teachers and principals are turning a blind eye to cheating these days too.

First, not all P1 scam registrations were reported.
Secondly, teachers allow cheating in spelling and tests so that the good grades of their students reflect well on their KPI. (Teachers do not invigilate other classes during minor tests or spellings.
Thirdly, many primary school principals cover up PSLE cheating cases because it reflects badly on them when reported to Examination board.