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So do you believe in God or Karma?


Jan 29, 2009

DBS says CEO has leukemia

SINGAPORE'S DBS Group , Southeast Asia's biggest bank, said on Thursday that Chief Executive Richard Stanley, who was hired in May last year, is suffering from cancer.

Koh Boon Hwee, the bank's chairman, will assume an 'active management oversight role' during the absence of Stanley, who is taking three to six months of medical leave, the bank said in a statement.

'Richard Stanley has been diagnosed with acute myelogenous leukemia and will be commencing medical treatment in Singapore immediately,' the bank said in a statement.

DBS reports its fourth-quarter results on Feb 13. -- THOMSON REUTERS



So, Jesus Cry also teaches about Karma ??

Jan 29, 2009

DBS says CEO has leukemia

SINGAPORE'S DBS Group , Southeast Asia's biggest bank, said on Thursday that Chief Executive Richard Stanley, who was hired in May last year, is suffering from cancer.

Koh Boon Hwee, the bank's chairman, will assume an 'active management oversight role' during the absence of Stanley, who is taking three to six months of medical leave, the bank said in a statement.

'Richard Stanley has been diagnosed with acute myelogenous leukemia and will be commencing medical treatment in Singapore immediately,' the bank said in a statement.

DBS reports its fourth-quarter results on Feb 13. -- THOMSON REUTERS



karma comes in all shapes and sizes... and GOD is willing to forgive but there are those who refuse to accept forgiveness... then karma strikes...


Jan 29, 2009

DBS says CEO has leukemia

SINGAPORE'S DBS Group , Southeast Asia's biggest bank, said on Thursday that Chief Executive Richard Stanley, who was hired in May last year, is suffering from cancer.

Koh Boon Hwee, the bank's chairman, will assume an 'active management oversight role' during the absence of Stanley, who is taking three to six months of medical leave, the bank said in a statement.

'Richard Stanley has been diagnosed with acute myelogenous leukemia and will be commencing medical treatment in Singapore immediately,' the bank said in a statement.

DBS reports its fourth-quarter results on Feb 13. -- THOMSON REUTERS


Same thing