On Friday (2nd Sep) after lunch changed my mind on going to the Takashimaya Mooncake Fair and went to RWS instead :o
Probably one of my last 24-hour marathon casino trips here
Reached RWS around 3pm but the 'good' Island Delight slots already occupied, so 'spent time' at other 2 cts slots around there such as Lil' Lady Bug, Pelikan Pete etc
Bad gambling Fri PM - very quickly lost my modest $350 BR as well as 2 ATM WDs of $350 + $300 (at 5cts CE Train - will NEVER play these again as hardly got any Free Games during the previous 2 trips!

This trip turned out to be a discovery trip of new slots for me later on Fri evening/night - 2 Great 'New' 2 cts Slots which were the exciting star slots this trip !!!
With my last 3rd ATM WD of $300, I went over to the other end near Goldrush and Cashier's Area and from 100 Pandas switched over to the CROWN OF EGYPT slot on my left (2nd from end) - had great FUN & Payouts here over the several hours here until the machine became exhausted & unfriendly with the icons stacked vertically instead of being stretched out horizontally ....
VERY fun & exciting with pretty-frequent features and bonus games that re-triggered more than 5x several times
Grew my last $300 to just above 1k level 2-3x i.e. UP then DOWN and UP & DOWN then UP a little again when I had to stop as the machine was really behaving badly
Ended up with only about $700 at the end here
After a bak kut teh & braised duck drumstick dinner (real rip-off - was served only 3 really tiny short (1 - 1.5 inches) pieces of pork ribs with hardly any meat on 1 piece !),
I went to near the AVP slots and tried-out a couple of the Standalone 2cts before sitting down at what I thought was a 'boring-looking' DRAGON'S GATE slot
Well this turned out to be my Fri Night Star Slot - even the uncle on my right said my Yang Chi (Luck) was very strong etc with the initial bonus games etc as the previous player before me didn't get a good game here
VERY VERY exciting UP & DOWN here - highest ever reached was $1.3k and had I stopped immediately would have broken even !
But I kept on at it - so very roller-coaster ride - dropped to even $200 levels but LUCKILY managed to make it back to 1k levels at least 3x (phew !)
Around Sat 4am, the aunty on my left said she's tired and had enough - she'd brought 2k BR and now left only with a couple of $100s since Friday morning - and was surprised that I was not stopping yet

I continued and only stopped at my 3rd 1k recovery - that was around 6+am !
After cashing out ticket, went back to Island Delight hoping for some free FK & 5K slots
BUT somehow these slots were just NOT performing as those I played simply REFUSED to let me have any Free Games and at the end I lost more than half my 1k there
Got very frustrated seeing later players getting much better payouts compared with my earlier stints there :(
Then went to Winners' Corner and tried the Taiwanese food for the 1st time
SHOULD have left after that but ITCHY Me decided to still stick around
No free available FK & 5K slots at Island Delight so tried out this WMS GAME OF DRAGONS on opposite side
Not bad as managed to grow a $50 into $200++
Somehow MOST times when I try out a new machine/game for the 1st time, I'll be able to get paid but subsequent times get poorer performance
Then went back out to other outer area BUT the specific DRAGON'S GATE & CROWN OF EGYPT slots were occupied so no choice but to play the end 100 WOLVES slot
Initial round was a positive but continued play ended up with losses here
When that CROWN OF EGYPT slot became free, I switched over BUT the Sat play was nothing like Fri's good play - ended up with more losses :o
After that decided to try out this 2nd-last 5Dragon at 5cts GoldRush Area
!st Round was good - grew my $100 into $400+ with 3x retriggered free games etc
But as usual continued play saw all that being lost and more - sighzzzz
Decided to call it a day here when left with hardly $100 in wallet (24 hours already !)
Before reaching home, got my LongJiang Yam Mooncakes from the Tampines Mall Mooncake Fair
IF I can have the DISCIPLINE, I SHOULD always STOP after getting my 1st Round of Good Payouts from any particular slot machine and SWITCH AROUND other slot machines ???
At least in that way I can HOPEFULLY RETAIN the profits instead of LOSING ALL away on continued play on that SAME slot ?
(But then again, on certain lucky days with certain slots - I COULD ALSO keep on GROWING the last high to an even Higher New High from each bottom - say from $900 to new above 1k and again to higher $1k+++ [UP DOWN UP DOWN UP DOWN UP] - so how ???)
Had FUN but lost my increased ATM-WD BRs !!!
Very expensive Slot Play Fun this trip
Guys - I've been accumulating these RWS Vouchers
Is the RWS Shopping Galleria found just outside the casino itself ???
Each time after dropping off from the RWS8 Bus, I'll simply head straight into the casino and hardly know WHERE the locations of the 'other attractions' are :o :p
Think Best Use of these vouchers and GPs would be SHOPPING - but WHERE exactly are the SHOPS then ?