Dear JJcc,
Please take it easy. Better exercise some restraint. 4K very jialat for me. So for $20K gone liao - one year!
So much for earlier good intentions :(
Sat night after dinner, proceeded to the ATM at the MRT and instead of the 'intended Small Sum', withdrew 1k
Again none of the slots on Sat-Sun at MBS were 'good-paying' for me - including the usual fav slots at different timings and also since-hardly-touched Sabre-Toothed Tiger & Glitter & Gold Fruits & 777s (had brief fun there) & Power Platinum
Shen Long was again TERRIBLE last night !
Altho' DID get some Free Games from my Silver&Gold slots, no big sustained payouts
Also played a couple of Prosperity slots (5koi etc) - btw HOW does the JP at the Prosperity slot work - what sort of 'JP stuff drops on you etc - or is it coin-choosing as in Fafafa - have yet to witness anything here ... ?'
The 1k capital just wasn't sufficient for such a long stay and I did an ATM WD of $800 in the night
So my fresh capital of 1.8k was practically all gone from my overnite Sat stay (MBS total 5.8k here this week)
I left MBS for RWS around 8.0am+ Sunday morning after withdrawing another 1k for RWS play
My fav 2 FortuneKing slots at Island Delight were not really great-paying altho the spins DID give payouts & free games pretty regularly - but a case of Diminishing Returns as usual ....
Had to withdraw another $700 for my RWS PM Play
The RWS Fafafa Grand JP is now over 1 Million !!!
And KIA - the Smoking Area 5 cts CashTrain Express slots have been MOVED out to the Non-Smoking near AVP - MegaMillion & Hotshot area
Now there's a variety of different slots there
I particularly enjoyed playing the 2ct 100 Pandas (every 2 $50 notes or so, can make $150 to $200 from it, with the 2nd note NOT giving anything)
My fav paying RWS Diamonds&Roses was occupied so no choice but to play the others - at least 1 was also quite good giving Free Games here
OK now - I think I'm 'satiated with intensive slot play' for the time being :o

Busted my budgets very badly this time round - so MUST now relax and take it easy/slow here
Guess I'm now near/at Slotloser's loss level

Get it out of my 'system'
THIS should be my very last 24-hour trip !
MUST keep some cash for other plans like holiday travel & trips etc - CAN'T spend everything at the casinos

Maybe now go only ONCE a week or so - and play for SHORT HOURS with much less $$$ etc etc etc (If THAT is at all possible SIGHZZZZZZ)
Oh well - guess got to content with Online Slots bah ..... as last resort (or go up Genting - cheaper ?)
BTW saw RWS Ads on Members' 50% Off Hotel Rooms (till 30 April)
So sought clarification
So if interested in booking a Hotel Room call up RWS Membership to book
eg. if Normal Points for particular room is 240 points per night, until 30 April Only need to pay HALF or 120 points etc
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