Thank you for sharing Bro Coffeeme. Well done, I think if you win a few hundreds , it's already a very good performance. If I don't lose, I'm already happy. And if I win a couple of hundreds, I'm now very happy. Cash out and run...and then buy something back to cherish the winnings instead of staying on and losing it all plus all the capital. Bro Silverfox's DISCIPLINE is still very important..
My LACK of DISCIPLINE got to me AGAIN on Sat !!!

On Sat I reached MBS around 6pm and started my Pre-Dinner Slot Play (Session 1)
It was an enjoyable stint and I was a little UP when I stopped
Collected this week's 'minimal play' $40 Vouchers (only 1 day Thurs play) etc
NB : Saturday play is NOT counted for the Voucher Bonus
But itchy-me decided to keep playing AFTER our Dinner ended.
I'd called Pizzeria Mozza way too late and was told Sat only 10.30pm available seating (had to try umpteen times before could get through too !) - wa very popular now !!!!
And RISE also told me 7.30 pm all booked out and only 8.30pm possible - my friends were amazed at all that activity & mountain of people at MBS (even on Non-Weekends)
Well just as well as my driving friend was caught up in the traffic and had problems accessing the MBS Carpark too and got there 8.30pm instead of the originally 7.30pm timing too !!!!
So used up $240 Vouchers on the RISE Dinner for 3 (my friend paid the balance 11 cents)
Buffets quite wasted on us as we can't eat much now - but what to do since can't have our originally-planned Pizza Dinner ?
Now left with $150 Vouchers till end-May
Sat night Session 2 play was really really bad

Lost all my balance capital + minimal winnings + Sat additional capital (PLUS further ATM withdrawn $500)
Now WHY didn't I keep to my Original Intention to only play from AFTER 21st April when my luck is supposedly better ?????
Sighzzzzz .... my own doing and lack of resolve !!!
OK OK - MUST now NOT PLAY until at least AFTER 21st APRIL !!!!!!!
(Bc I don't think I'll enjoy myself if I bring only less-than-$500 playing capital anyway - bc I'll only do further ATM WDs as somehow have gotten so used to 'rolling-over at least 1k-1500+ capital' and I can't do so much further with depleting balances and without any decent winnings to keep this going ! )
At least if Got 2-Ways : Got Go also Got Come - still OK
BUT if ONLY 1-Way Street : Only Got Go (Loss) No decent Wins - very very jialat !!!
Want to continue indulging myself at the casinos also cannot
