Bro blackhole 6k in a single visit its a lot ;D I guess that night cant sleep well the brain keep thinking and thinking,Do control on your next visits,Applies to the others bros and sis
Sighzzzzz .... this MBS Sat Stayover is another expensive loss-trip for me
Becoz with my 'gambler-girlfriend' this time round - so of course CAN'T/DIDN'T stick with my intended 'play-play' small BR for extensive slot play

Instead of just $500-600, ended up with close to 2k being lost (went for ATM WDs 3-4x)
{My initial casino visits in 2010-2011 with bigger BRs saw much more than just 2k being lost tho' per trip :o

my losses are now much more modest compared with the mad/crazy initial honeymoon visits ... sighzzzz}
Started off at Fatt Choi Express area Shen Long slot (2 cts) - and did make INITIAL Small Wins of $200++ but machine went cold later and lost everything bc I didn't move away and change to other slots (stayed there for >4 hrs)
Made ATM WD after late dinner-supper at Tong Dim and played my fav Diamonds&Roses/Nutcracker slots ... initially managed to recover 50% of my losses
Then LOST at Wheel of Fortune (NOT a lucky night for me for WOF)
Kia's fav 5cts 5D also not good - didn't do any 'recovery' there
The fav 5K slot outside Fatt Choi Express also NO Good when I played it when the place became emptier in early morning
This trip I went to the Non-Smoking Floor and played the 1cts 100 Pandas and Crown of Egypt (got repeated 5 re-triggered pyramid free games) - tried playing Holiday in Venice but 'got chased away' bc the staff were "changing the boxes" .....
Bought nice 'cheese bun' and savoury bread with ham & cheese etc from Sweet Spot for breakfast using Sands Dollars before returning to room to sleep just before 9am - brief shut-eye until 10am+ before late checkout before 12 noon
The afternoon brief stint at the Silver&Gold/Diamonds&Roses slots was simply BAD as couldn't get decent free games etc at all !!!
Did final ATM WD at ard 1 pm and luckily didn't lose this last WD otherwise would be >>2k loss here
Very expensive Entertainment Fees here ...
After warming up another Shen Long slot it started giving good 'returns or features' but had to leave (2 hrs before levy expiry)
Think for this trip the 2cts Shen Long slots were the best ...
Sticking with playing my Aristocrat slots on my iPhone would have meant ZERO losses instead, altho' not quite the same ....
Surprisingly, we were given a City-View 18th floor better-tier twin-bed room (with bath tub in centre and lattice decor in room) without even any asking

But anyway I printed my redeemed $50 Hotel Voucher for June - just in case need to pay $50 for a City View Room for next free-room trip in June [????]
Received mailer on free Birthday Cake for June and some shopping offers - hope the Free Room email will include a Club Room for Birthday Stay instead
My this galfriend is keen on the free Virgo Cruises [low season after June hols] ... yippee got cruise kaki leow !!!

How much RWS GPs to redeem iPad ???