Hi Bros & Sister,
not much input from you guys for the past few days???
I was at MBS yesterday and notice that all the Superspins machine @ B1 are gone. My recent experience there is most of the machines @ MBS payouts are sucks or NO PAYOUT AT ALL!! I am not too sure whether did yous feel it?
The Trains Grand jackpots machines @ B1 was finally awarded to a lucky person who play only 15credits( 2cents = 30cents) yesterday evening - Grand prize is S$99k++!!!This time round it takes almost one month on this Grand payout! The usual was once a week in the past! I am not sure whats in their mind recently. Its like moving very strongly to sucks all out money with very min return to people like us!!
understand from a casino reservation manager that complimentary hotel rooms will not be given out to singaporeans as easily compare to before from now! CRA controls again! Reason is not to encourage locals to gamble.
By the way, Blazing's 3 finale is around the corner...good luck to all bro's and sister here!! Not sure if most winner from their draws goes to their "own" people!! I have as much as 800++ winning chances the last goals finale in July and get "0" prize!!
I too was at MBS yesterday [enjoying my very last Wed PM-Off...]
Again not a very lucky day for me - that 'good paying' GLITTER & GOLD machine stopped paying this time and instead it was another opp-corner machine that was more generous altho' overall those slots were NOT as 'good' as in the previous trip
Yes they've moved the RESPIN/Superspin slots over to the other more-popular 2ct section
Work being done near the Premier Advantage Main Counter too
Anyway this Wed trip was more of a Discovery Trip for me trying out 'new' slots such as HOT SHOTs, 5x & 10x HOT SHOT FRENZY, etc .....
These noisy machines are fun but can't really preserve the 'winnings'
suppose must hone some technique there 1st ....
I only managed to recover some partial lost capital at PowerPlatinum PP after midnite hours which are my so-called luckier 'witching hours' :p [now must make a point of serially fast-playing each PP slot there instead of staying put at any 'favourite ones' bc modifications done there - do HITs & RUN ... have noticed that MOST of the time when you start with a new PP slot, $$ accumulates/powerspin feature comes from around the 3rd spin (if lucky)
I really MUST discipline myself to STOP playing if can't get Hits after a certain no. of tries - MUST change machine or game altogether !!!
Managed to read the rules put up on the Blazing 3s Finale Draws
So today changed my original plan to leave MBS for Fri 6pm facial since must be personally present within 15 minutes to collect prize for each hourly draw during each 11 hour-sessions per day
Well I should be there to activate Fri's entries around 3pm after lunch - hope I can win a good cash prize in the early hourly draws so can then 'forget about this for the rest of the day and concentrate on just slot-playing'

From this Oct month, have sacrificed my Wed-PM Off so likely to just hit the casino from Fri afternooon - Sun weekend.
Quite 'tough' to go after work as will then most likely stay till after midnite for 'luckier hours' and then have to suffer annoying 'grumblings' at home .....
Nowadays quite 'blase and not stingy' on paying midnite cab charge [compared with my playing capital or losses etc real 'peanuts' only ....]
My new office is now much much larger [more people = more 'politics or annoying power-hungry-people who love micro-controlling our lives etc']
So feeling quite jialat at work most times ever since returned from Europe trip
Actually going to MBS to 'de-stress' after work MIGHT also be workable since I'll be leaving the office half an hour EARLIER from Oct except on my retained Fri PM-Off ... hmmmmm

Well we have to make our own fun & de-stress plans