You still don't understand the whole situation.
I'm in the 明 position, you are in a 暗 position. Your blindly supportive of your gambling addiction and thinking that this platform you can release just anyhow, by all means. But I will still be watching you.
Your overly protective of yourself will get you into trouble one day and the day you will lose every single cents still stand, please bear that in mind.
THIS BELOW was posted in part on the Previous Page :
An interesting exchange of posts on 14 Aug 2010 ... hahahaha ....
QSH's taunts should be similarly treated - and be properly told off for "not minding his business" etc
Originally Posted by davvy :
hey, r u alright??? Y can't u mind u own business and stop digging other people's backside? People win or lose also not ur business. Grow up and be a happy person
Yay yay - Such people like QSH are just NOT HAPPY 'childish' People
That's why they need to 'dig other people's backside' in order to 'feel good about themselves somehow' - MY very logical Theory .....
OK - with your LATEST POST here - maybe I can try to UNDERSTAND you better - and be kinder .....
YOU want to Play the HERO or SAVIOUR here [bc of YOUR own hard-core gambling past]
A NOBLE intention IF this was the place for it
HOWEVER THIS Thread is really NOT the place for such
As we are all Happy Slotters SHARING our FRs etc with each other
We really DON'T NEED a (kaypoh) Hero trying to act as an unwanted Savior HERE
We are MATURE enough to know the CONSEQUENCES of any supposedly BAD Slotting Habits etc etc etc
IF not, we WILL surely Feel the PAIN pretty soon and REIN ourselves in AUTOMATICALLY without any Outside Influence such as you
eg MY having gone on my own Self-Imposed Casino Bans here - from Time to Time
- NOT going in UNTIL I have the BR/$$ that I can afford to lose away for INDULGING on my Slot Love/Hobby etc ......
eg even much-younger bro yiyong - he knows himself - he is NOT the type who can stand to see a Depleting Bank Account as he wants to see Increasing SAVINGS instead - he has applied for Self-Exclusion with the authorities
You should NOT be reading any :
(a) "my blind support of my gambling addiction" :
1. I do think I can CONTROL my Slot Play - am not strictly Gambling-Addicted as such
It's SO SIMPLE - When I have $$, then can indulge and slot away
If broke, just have to stay away and not go in to play [just play Free Online Slots etc]
Otherwise I wouldn't have bothered with my several bouts of Self-Bans here
2. I'm just narrating or Telling a Story on my casino experiences etc
By doing so I AM NOT Asking/Advising/Promoting that the readers BLINDLY FOLLOW What I Do
SURELY the readers have their own Minds & Heads/Eyes etc as to what THEY themselves should do
- FULL FREEDOM of Choice on HOW they should play, WHICH Slots they themselves like to play, HOW MUCH they can afford to play given THEIR own Pockets and Financial Situation as well as their PERSONAL Financial "Psyche" [eg bro yiyong - can they STAND to see losses or not etc]
The reverse applies instead - from reading my Mainly Losing FRs the readers should be minded that the casino is indeed NOT an easy place for easy money etc that I STINK at DISCIPLINE and hence not RETAINING my Substantial Wins etc etc etc
we ALL need LUCK especially at Slots and LOTS of DISCIPLINE in order to be able to walk away a Winner ...
{Readers should be able to sense/see clearly that I have LOUSY DISCIPLINE and shouldn't be following me there hahaha :( :o }
Just like the fact that the 2 IRs exist
But did the IRs point a gun at your head to FORCE you to enter and play [need to pay levy some more :p

So it's just NOT FAIR for you to any how Blame / Flame me here
I'm just very FRANKLY sharing on my casino experiences etc as much as I can - the bare facts
THIS thread is for our Slot or Casino FRs, Casino Rewards etc etc etc & incidentals related to such eg Feng-Shui & Luck
I am NOT "releasing just anyhow" - ALL my posts (as I'm sure other bros and sis too as we all DON'T have illogical EGO issues etc) are true factual accurate accounts - NO POINT in my trying to pull wool over anyone's eyes in cannon-fairying any Wins or Losses here - in fact by posting pics I'm sure ALL of us simply want to literally SHOW [NOT Show Off pls note the difference here !!!!] or SHARE that we DID indeed have those Wins even if they may Fall Short of YOUR unreasonably-demanded 100k Credit Mark during our Slot Play [never mind if we may happen to lose part of that win in later continued play etc with Bad Strategy or Lousy Discipline etc]
(b) "my overly protective of myself will get me into trouble one day"
Now I don't quite understand your English/england here - what exactly do you mean here ????
Are you saying - I must not be DEFENSIVE here or what ????
Sorry - my nature is - I really Cannot Stand to be WRONGED or Unfairly Accused of things I feel I have not done or have not been guilty of .....
WHY should defending myself get me into trouble ?
IF I keep quiet, then all or some may assume I've been guilty as wrongly accused there !
My point is - I feel you are picking / targeting me UNFAIRLY without any good reason
Go back to my Point-by-Point [or even Pic-by-Pic] regarding your Unfair Allegations
There should NOT be any room for YOUR Wrong Reading or Conclusions here