Yup - I'm a lady - thought it was already obvious from previous post when I stated that I'd my 2nd tier spare cash in 'my handbag' too
Even if I have my ATM Cards, my aim is to only use it to withdraw playing cash right at the start ONCE before entering the casino [if I haven't already withdrawn cash for this very purpose] and NOT to be tempted to use it again after losing all my 1st & 2nd Tier spare cash here on that same trip ~
Can always come back on ANOTHER DAY to continue play
Wow - must say I've deviated away from that ATM WD advice pretty soon after
Making some RASH WDs sighzzzzz
Thanks so much for putting up your pics
Wow - you're a heavy 'max' player at average 500-600 bets/credits per spin with your heavier playing capital
Me - so far only played like 2x, 3x or at most 5x bet on maximum lines
i.e. ranging from 50 to 150 credits at most for my spins
Very smalltime kachang-puteh player with small initial capital of below 1k [but with the spares can also come up to > $1.5 - 2k at the end of the day

I rationalize away - instead of spending my $$ at the spas [of which I've packages at several spas already - hope they don't close shop b4 my packages are used up eventually, one already did in 2007-8 and ran off with more than 1k of my hard-earned $ b4 this running-away became 'fashionable' in the last 2 years], this is simply an additional avenue of paid fun or indulgence for us to destress from our job stresses etc
So I made my 3rd trip to MBS on Fri morning [a Mixed day for me] and stayed >20 hours till Sat daybreak so I could take public transport home to sleep instead of paying after-midnite taxi charges [am giam siap in that sense and also trying to minimalise my losses which I did in a way + most important of all to earn as much playing points as possible for a fast upgrade to Gold membership so as to be entitled to the free monthly 4N hotel stays ....]
Nuts ... went straight off to sleep (now one of my contact lenses got problem - dunno whether I dropped it accidentally or it went MIA somehow ... don't tell me I've to put on my horrible old glasses for work on Tues ?)
Anyway this trip I also tried my hand at the Azure {Giant Panda} & WMS {Zeus} machines and some of your favourite slots like ticki torch [like this as I got over 14k credits with the feature], 5koi, 5 dragon [but I never ever got the coins for the free games here !]
The result pattern went like this :
Loss - Win - Loss - Loss - Loss - Win [but not enuf to recover full losses]
When I left I'd recovered only part of my 2nd-Tier Spare Cash :p
I MUST follow this personal strategy - now that I know we can also use the Printed Slot Ticket as cash in the slot machines too [instead of always having to queue to get such redeemed]
I MUST stop play and change slot machines etc when :
1) the machine is NOT lucky for me after a certain number of spins [6 - 8 ? what's the most feasible number here ??]
2) I have WON [usually from the feature/free games/mini-jackpots] even $100 - 200 must stop to print out Slot Ticket and then use a fresh $50 note so that in this way I can monitor easily the cashflow-play pattern
Far too many times I've allowed good initial winnings to dwindle down to sheer losses by simply playing on

At least by making a point to print out the winnings in the ticket, hopefully I'm sort of 'preserving' these winnings for play in another machine and thereby minimalising any future losses at this same machine only to the fresh cash $50 injection/s [to minimise that to a certain level too ?]
My 1st try at the Azure Giant Panda was pretty good as I won like over 17000++ credits with the feature
On hindsight as always I regretted not leaving right away or printing out the ticket straightaway - bc I lost everything and more by simply playing on ... sighz :(
It's a noisy fun game this ...
Hmmm ... seems so far that I do get most of my winning streaks during the luckier late hours [tho' the Giant Panda winning was in the afternoon]
The previous trip was just before 1 am and this trip between 3 - 6 am
For this trip, won $47+ MiniJackpot at ChoySunYe slot, $13+ Mini at Lucky88 playing after 9.30 am to just before noon Tea-break {earned 26 points in 2+ hrs}
(had decided to change my original next Tues 10/8 1D leave to Thurs PM [for some delivery purpose] and Fri AM instead so can have FULL Fri off with my usual Fri PMs Off)
Other Minis won later were $13 & $14 ones and the buttons I touched DID NOT open but instead the neighbouring ones did [all pre-programmed !] and a $51 and anor $33 one at ChoySunYe [I've identified THIS particular CSY machine at B1 as my luckier one since it's been the one which allowed the last-minute capital recovery twice so far !

So Fri-Sat got a total of like 6 Mini-jackpots - when is it my turn at the Major and Grand {previous last Wed trip had a Minor too} !?!
My 2ct slots won't entitle me to that car too right ?
Find playing 5ct slots lose very fast - no point as my main objective now is to earn to upgrade to gold etc membership fast so should stick to 2 ct slots for more lasting power !!!
This time round found that the LuckyDice option in the Lucky88 feature is missing from many Lucky88 machines, thus 'hindering' my recovery chances
On one machine that still had this dice option, the highest I got was like only 4 (or was it 5) dices wheareas the Wed previous trip I had 8 dices and over 21k credits won
{Hmmm .... wat's the plural for dice - somehow am sure it's NOT dices}
Earned a total of 137 points this overnite Fri-Sat trip making total tally of 204 pts/$102 Premier $
Need another 184 points to gold membership status - 2 to 3 more trips ?