Happy CNY again to everyone
Again I had a very fun n positive FR at MBS on Everyone's Birthday 7th CNY Day !!!
As I was engrossed reading arrangements for next week's Lo Hei when 1 of our friends returns from her 2-week Germany trip, missed the Bayfront Station and told myself I might as well go on to Chinatown Station and have my Shishamo Fish
By the time I finally got to MBS about 6pm already
After encashing my 2 TITOS. - kept aside the 2k notes to be deposited back into bank account as that's the original 1.8k BR + little of the >>3k profit
My fav Cash Cove was occupied - 3 young guys playing at that row
So spent time at about 3-4 of the circular CCs where the initial 1st Round wasn't too bad but not after ...
I think around 7-8pm +- got to play my fav CC when the guy took his 1k+ Tito n played at central CC
I had some really really good wins at my fav CC
At 1 point highest ever credit seen was 8k+
Which means I had fresh New Wins of around 5k
I decided to not do Stop n Go since I was having so much fun
But I would only play with the New Profit
So at the end when I left at 3am - tired out n uncomfortable as contact lenses all too dry
I left with more or less my original BR plus profits from the pre-CNY Dinner play on 20/2 !
So very shiok slot play once again
And No Noise from mom so far too. ... Phew !
Will post some pics of last night's play
Very hard to take pics as place was crowded !!!