My next “Lucky Days” were last Sun 21 & Mon 22 Dec (following the Thurs 18 & Fri 19 ones) - but I didn’t bother to repeat Casino Trip too soon
Anyway since commencing my Trading last Thurs AM 18 Dec (before the MBS PM Check-in), I’ve been quite busy as Monitoring/Trading away
Started on the Wall Street Index Trading (all on CFD) on Mon night 22 Dec 2014 (should have persisted with my BUY Attempt on Mon Morning when the Price/Index was much lower for better/increased paper profits - I MUST learn Not to be too ‘ngeow/stingy’ and SHOULD simply have Grabbed it at whatever ASK Price then instead of Queuing at Lower Price OR ELSE can MISS great opportunities !)
As I’m expecting the ‘usual’ Year-End Feel Good/Window-Dressing etc I’m expecting my trades to keep Trending Up [so far so good![]()
Since I’m doing CFD [Not the usual Stock-Trading] it doesn’t really matter whether the markets are UP or DOWN as I can still profit
My only regret here : I should have gone in with More Contracts/Lots instead of listening to my remisier who’s ‘so afraid’ of me as he’s so worried that I’ll be blown out from the market with my ‘Too Big Initial Trades” (???) - wants me to Start Small and only Trade Bigger after I’m familiar with how things work etc since I’d had a very long hiatus of some 6-7 years from trading the market
Huh - I’ll need him to increase my Credit Limit next Jan when I return from my Bali Trip - as intend to really do Serious ‘Bigger’ Trading then :p
I feel the remisier himself is more familiar with Margin Trading and not so much with CFD Trading [from my questions to him hahahaha :p]
I think I WON’T bother to start a new Trading Thread
Just As & When - just mention my trading btw occasionally together with any Casino Trips etc
THIS time round I’m just focussing on the STI & Wall Street Indices & SGX {+ maybe a couple of ‘Playable Trading Counters of the day’}
e.g. Just Intra-day Trading (if desired) of the Wall Street Index - can earn some good Daily Money
My modest miserable 2 Contracts on the Wall Street Index in less than 36-48 hours have seen Paper Profit of USD372 (before the commission etc)
IF I had gone in with 4-5 contracts instead - would have much better increased profits !!!
- from the 186 pt increase seen (from my late entry at 17,907 pt - could have entered at much lower level some hours/days before sighzzzz :o) as I was still “procrastinating" as still not ‘very familiar’ with every aspect of the new trading platform yet !
Wall Street so much more volatile/moving than our STI - and I’m NOT simply Gambling this time round hahaha
I DO make use of the 1hr or 2hr Charts to determine the trading strategy
Moreover THIS time round, where needed I’ll make sure I have Stock Alerts or Stop Limits in place so I WON’T get wiped out (learnt my lesson)
Altho’ with CFD, not so much worry on whether UP or DOWN as still CAN make profit with different strategies here
Very important with CFD - CAN also do Short-Selling in a Down-Trending Market !
As I’m typing this, the DJ is still trading up at Resistance Level 18095-18100 .... {monitoring}
EDIT : Now clearly +110 at 18,108 !!!!
Tomorrow morning Christmas Eve - only half-day trading
See whether need to Sell Off my SGX & STI Contracts IF trending down
OR just hold for year-end Capricorn Effect ???
With CFD there’s not that pressure to close positions
BTW - my last MBS Trip had initial win of 6k+ (which was all lost in rash Max Bet play) on Thursday night
then later recovered my 3k+3k BR except for just small $200 loss - before Fri 9 am then back to bed for very brief sleep before late check-out
Then Session 2 play after my Fri late Brunch - won over 2k+ BUT retained only few hundreds win (Rash Rushed Short Play as meeting my friend for the 4pm ‘The Crossing’ movie (fell into brief bouts of ‘napping’ during the movie - really getting old as no longer have the stamina etc to stay awake all night for slot play without later problems here)
Hmmm my Casino Wins are much more than the current paper profits from trading :( :roll eyes: :p
At the Sat Trading Workshop/Talk - my friend & I were BOTH so tired out [from lack of sufficient sleep} that we skipped and left early a few hours earlier mid-way after the 2nd Part after-lunch session - therefore missing out on the Tip of How to have a 4-Room HDB Flat for free.....hahaha
Anyway for the very 1st Time RWS SMS came on FREE 1N Hotel Stay
So I have already reserved a $40 upgrade to a Hard Rock Deluxe Room (Entitled to Festive or Hotel Michael Deluxe Rooms only)
That would be on Tues 27 Jan 2015 (exactly 7 days after my MBS $50 upgrade City View Room Staycation on 20 Jan !)
I’d also received a Free 1N Cabin for 2 on Aquarius SMS (from 7 Jan until 18 Feb 2015) from Star Cruises few days back
I couldn’t get thru’ the number 088256218 (?) and so called 6220780 instead found in the Gemini SMS (21 Jan to 13 Feb Wed/Fri/Sun - is that also for FREE too ???)
Only to be informed :
1. My Star Cruise Gold Card had been downgraded to a Classic Card
2. I do NOT have any Free Cabin entitlement {sighzzzzz ?????} - so why those SMSes ???!!!???
This time after I managed to get a friend to come along with me too - waste all my effort & time here !!!!! Sheeeesh !!!!!!
Stupid Star Cruises - wasted my Star Points sending me some unused expired voucher early on too !!!
So - do you think BOTH MBS & RWS will continue to offer FREE Rooms after these stays in Jan 2015 ?
If they don’t, I MIGHT have Better Control staying AWAY from them hahahaha ......
BUT my next ‘Lucky Days’ fall on Xmas Day 25, 30 Dec to 3 Jan 2015 ! Tempting leh .....
Last thing - those IT Literate Computer Savvy ones - need your help here
I need a new Android Laptop/Notebook for my trading (my Samsung Note 8 doesn’t have sufficient storage & my old Mac will conk off soon too)
Saw this ad for a DELL i7 Notebook with 8GB RAM, 1TB HDD, 2GB Graphics, Windows 8.1 - selling at $988 BELOW Wholesale Price SP$1599 ?
Is that a Good Functional Fast etc (new enough model) Computer for my needs at THAT price - any catch etc ????
Or are the other brands HP, ACER better here ?
For a printer - any good recommendations ?
easy to setup