The Martingale system is one of the oldest betting systems around. It
has existed for over 300 years and its supposed success lies in giving
you the statistical edge for making a consistent profit. The Baccarat
system is an attempt to guarantee you win overall, by implementing a
system of doubling and then redoubling up on bets. If a gambler places
his initial bet of $5 and loses, the method according to the
Martingale System is to then double that bet to $10. If the better
encounters another loss than doubling again would mean the next bet
was $20. This continues until a win eventually occurs and all the
money is made back plus of course a little extra.
The system, if it was adopted for the game of Baccarat and assuming a
series of 5 losses in a row would go as follows:
Bet Number 1 $5
Bet Number 2 $10
Bet Number 3 $20
Bet Number 4 $40
Bet Number 5 $80
At this point you would have 'invested' $155 at the casino. Let's say
you made one more bet. The Martingale System would dictate that this
next bet be $160 pushing your total investment or stake at the casino
up to $315. If you won at this point, you would receive twice what you
bet, so $320 would be handed back making an overall profit of $5. At
this stage you would go back to bet number 1 and begin the procedure
again. Perfect! This is an undeniably perfect system provided you have
the initial funds to see it through. The same betting system works
well in games such as roulette.
The story does not end there though. Casinos, realizing that this
betting system guarantees you make your money back plus a small profit
have applied caps to betting sizes in the form of table maximums. This
eliminates guaranteed chance of success using the Martingale System as
you are no longer able to make all your previously wagered money back
with one win.
Let's look more closely as to why table limits sabotage guaranteed
success by going back to our Baccarat betting example above. What if
you weren't to win at this point (we had reached bet number 6 of
$160), or even the next time (bet number 7 of $320). By now you have
invested $635 at your table. Still having not won you would be looking
to make bet number 8 which would be $640 (double bet number 7). If,
for arguments sake, the table limit was set at $1000 a bet this size
would not be allowed as your total stake would pass the limit set at
So you've reached the level where you are no longer able to double up.
Instead you make the biggest bet possible which would be the
difference between the maximum table limit and the amount you've
already wagered. In this instance that figure would be $365. Hurray a
win, but of course the payout of $730 leaves an overall loss of $270
having wagered $1000 in total.
Of course it is possible to see short term success with the Martingale
System. So long as you do not reach the table limit, the system is
fail safe. It can only be used in games when bets pay 1:1 which is why
Baccarat and Roulette are ideal but just bear it in mind that once the
table limit has been reached, it is no longer possible to recoup all
the previously wagered money in one go.
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