So far this week :
1. Mon - at MBS (lost several hundreds)
2. Tues - at RWS (very rare good session

3. Thurs - at RWS - lousy as only losses at the end after a nice winning start as per usual pattern :(
4. Fri - at MBS (maybe should have left after recovering lost capital BUT urge to play too strong ?)
YES - half the time - when I feel 'good' with the stars etc supporting me etc I would tend to have a good time (ONLY thing is I don't want to STOP/RUN after my wins because I still want to play on [not so much greed etc for me] - especially if I have to pay midnite cab charges must make it worth my while etc)
Friday afternoon my fav CashTrain Fortune King was unoccupied/free - BUT it took me at least some $500 to warm it up before it behaved itself and started giving good returns (had once good 4 Free Games with 3 re-triggers & managed to recoup earlier losses just from that round)
! stopped after 8pm when losses/diminishing returns stayed - machine no longer paying out .... (that was when my neighbour's slot seemed to be getting better tho')
Had several times the train BUT only very miserable Mini JPs of <$20 :(

(Didn't give me 10s & 11s for a Minor JP, only 8s and 9s)
On my right at extreme corner slot was this lady who had won the 1st JP of 50k recently at same slot - she said her slot was playing very badly today and she had to go to the ATM to replenish her capital - was losing more than 1.5k earlier
She kept getting Nines while my slot was quite good giving me Full 5 Fishes many times etc before it turned 'stale'
After dinner, played briefly one 10ct Shen Long slot, initially had my $50 note grown to $200+ but finally dwindled down to ZERO with continual play
Then moved over to the Silver&Roses slots - NO good this Fri night
No chance at Kia's standalone 5Koi slot as was occupied
Remainder of the night focussed on the 4 CLASSIC WINNERS slots
Final Tally : lost all balance RWS preserved capital + part of fresh ATM capital
Claimed my $100 Voucher for this week's points
Luckily this time - validity till 31st MAY !
Yes KIA - SAME Vouchers
Read about Mozza Pizzas from several food blogs
Sounds nice BUT very fattening burrata cheese etc - I'll like to try this but hope my sensitive tummy will behave itself !
Can remember the bigger area Orchid Suite room numbers ?
Are they all facing the nicer city view ?
How much PDs were used to redeem these now ?
COFFEEME : Congrats on your JP !!!
At B1 Tong Dim, for vegetarian
can take vegetable dishes & loh hon chye on menu
Hmmm ... any Indian restaurant there - some items ahould be vegetarian
BTW tonight - Slot behind the 1st 5Dragon on same row
- the FortuneFoo etc end slot got the 2nd JP