My Fr for this mth.... story abit long.. bear with it.. cos only once a mth thing..
as usual... those PEOPLE who dun like me... kindly skip my part...
thanks you... dun bother replying cos i wun go read...) :o
It been 1 mth since i last went in.. the URGE is unbearable..
it only the 1st few days of NOV and i rush in during my 1st offday of NOV...
went in at about 5.30pm.. pay the levy at the kiosk.. $450 BR only..
target to play either dude Hiv or 2nd dude Hiv.. and target before 11pm go home...
rush in to the orchid club.. See the dude uncle playing the dude HIV.. no chance already...
see the chili slot.. look like from ashworth production.. Circle the whole place... No crowd...
and finally sit down on 1 HIV play... $100 play 2c (50c) No FG ... die and leave the orchid club...
Rush down to the 2nd dude hiv just outside premium slot... No 1 playing but inside got credit and had belonging
left on the chair.. immediately sian 1/2.. see the premium slot inside only got 3 people.. decided to go in...
play the 2c HIV at 50c per spin... I NO BLUFF U.... $150 all die... NOT EVEN A SINGLE FG...
mean i only left $200 now.. my watch show 6.15pm... 45mins.. $250 die...
My confident greatly affected... cos the 1 way ticket seem so obvious now...
i remember bro kia mention the hiv/cc/hiv/cc/hiv is STILL around.. so i decided it time i explore the RWS area to search for it..
I move to the right side area of the stage... (i admit i seldom walk there) Walk here n there... see 1 HIV just infront of this prosperity exchange
i name it "prosperity HIV" i sit down play... same bet..same demon.. but total different outcome..
My 1st $50 reward with a 75fg My $$$ bounce back...
subsequent it still gave me 45 , 30 , 30 . 30 , 30 , 120! (by then my credit on screen already up till $750) wallet inside still have $150..
Happy hell.. after which this slot turn abit cold.. and give me a phase 1 (Long period of wait in between Fg to Fg) most probably i just hit 120Fg???!

I decided to ticket out and put in again.. machine immediately show call attendant screen// They attended to me.. pass me
a paper to encash at the cashier and shut down the machine.. (mean i cannot play..) It 7.30pm already... I left with no choice.. I continue explore
the remaining area of the right side rws... I realize i had not been to this area before... there alot of unknown HIV.. almost 1 row 1 machine..
but all is being played.. I walk around the rws searching for empty 1... including entering orchid club again.. none available.. I only return back
at 8.20pm back to the "prosperity HIV" and my god... It back in operating mode.. and no 1 is playing.. I REALLY RUN!!

grab the chair and sit down... insert my new $50... and 1st $50 give me a 45fg following by.. 75,45,30,45,105! and 60fg....
I realize after soo many FG it give.. none had gave me 15fg before...
where to find this kinda hiv... by then my $$$ already won alot.. i switch back to
75c and press gao gao...
not even 5 spin.. BING BING BING!!! RANGGGGG!! this time give 135 FG!! payout 44k credits! i switch to 100c next...
come another 60FG!! ANOTHER 18K credit... I was like

By then my on screen balance already show 2.2k.. my wallet still have $150..
bear in mind i only bring $450... anyway... i continue hitting on 100c... and this machine give me another phase 2 this round.. my 2.2k drop till 2k..
and i left with no choice... and decided to cash out and insert tito again... Machine again spoil... I was like WTH!!

They again shut down this machine again and my watch already 11pm.. So i decided to visit orchid club Dude hiv... upon entering seeing no 1 playing.. I again run!!! knowing this machine SOOO WELL. i start betting a 2c 100c... my 2k dropped till 1.6k only come 2x 15fg... $400 die here...
I left the place... go to see the right side rws area again... cos i remember the 1 row 1 hiv place... I no bluff you....
each HIV i play 2c 75c... i donated $100 to $150 to each HIV... none give me a SINGLE FEATURE... 

I know smth is not right.. but my hand still keep hitting the button.. i left the last HIV with wallet only left $750 from my 2k + ($150) even i still
winning.. but i like wanna CRY... :(:( suddenly i recall of the 2nd dude hiv outside premium slot.. the last hope that can save me...
immediately dash down.. it already 1.30am.. no 1 is playing... i immediately and it finally responded me with FG again..
Thanks god!!
30, 45 , 15 , 15 ,75 , 105! , 15 , 15 , 15 , 45 , 90 , 15 , 30 <--- all these FG come quite close.. no phase in between....
My balance of $750 grow up to $1.5k!!!! Am sooo happy... if not becos of this dude hiv i probably lose all the way....
I decided to cash out and walk walk... go back to the "prosperity HIV" again... again it operating back.. run again...

give me a 30fg follow by 30fg... at this time my balance already grow back 1.7k.. and unfortunately it give me another phase 3.. betting at 75c..
my balance drop back again... Rang!~~ ~ Fg... and for the 1st time.. 15FG no retrigger... So my mind set 1 is FG alot one.. for sure...
and hit at 100c all the way.. and kena another phase 4..... FG come .. another 15FG... cash out....
watch 6am... mean i already played more then 12hrs... Feel abit tired... balance left 1.3k decided to leave the place already...
no need to think abt casino till dec trip...
quite a nice trip.. as i did grow till 2.2k with my $450BR at 1 point...
no Fullhouse clown the entire day... consider very good already...
more then 12hrs of play with minimum BR...
No need revenge.. No need thinking win more.. cos 1 mth 1 time..
Winning all deposit back to FREEZE account. sibei shiok
PS: I never see the row of hiv/cc/hiv/cc/hiv