Bro Slot,
The losses were damned painful...pulverised me liao..I also don't know why and how I got so dazed and so kena kongtau like a zoombie kept feeding the monsters....despite no strikes and no bonuses...
Those monsters simply gobbled my cash like a hungry and merciless predator...and i was depleted so fast!!!!!!!! When I realised how much I've fed into the monsters, I was numbed and completed devastated...
No way out but to throw away my membership card away into the pool outside the entrance.....and pray hard not to return to feed the carnivorous monsters...they are merciless and heartless predators!!!!!!!!!
I fully understand the feeling which you go thru!! I believed many of us got hit into the same motion in such state!!I am one of them as well!!! Imgaine, I dont even earn S$5k/month and lose S$5k within a few hours....What the fish!!!!
I dont find it entertaining these days when going to MBS or RWS anymore....every trip there is basically gaining frasturation...more and more!!!
For those who have lost a pile there, I am just to share here...if you want to continue going in to feed those machines.....hiong hiong whack atleast mid( 300credits) or max bet( 500/600credits ) on each machines!!Set aside S$200-250 for each machines....go for 4-5machines with this same amount!!If you get free games feature atleast you will gain some winning or better winning.Continue to play with 30/25credits will only last your time there...end of the day you will get suck back!! For sure and trust me. If you have set aside with 800-1000 budget....gan gan whack big on a few of your favourites machines.
Its always easy to tell oneself to forget about those losses in the past!! Bear in mind for those who uses credit card/ bank loans/personal line of will still recieved those bills every month!! How to forget when those bills reached your hands.......????
For those who can stop!!!Stop going from now!!Stop feeding your hard earn money there anymore!!!