Posting here as what i had experience when play slots.
0. Start to tell my self: OK, this time round, all i need is to win 1/3 of my bankroll. Not too much right? This is it, forget yesterdays losses, today is a good day to fight. Every hand is a new battle.
1. First half hour, First machine win + feature, but small amount, as only started and play small unit 30 - 50 credits
2. 1-1 half hour: Stay on and start to lose winnings. But self telling it's ok, will gain it back later. The "fun factor" is not satisfied yet.
3. 2 hours: Oh no, lost half of my bankroll. Hmm, should i continue.. Well, later should be able to gain back.
4. 3 hours: yes! gain back my capital + small sum of win, with playing at 100 credit and above
5. 3-3 half hour: why the slots machine is no longer paying like 1 and 4? Sigh....
6. 4 hours: stick to the a slot that i have not touched yet from early on. Gosh, four hours gone; still at negative range, no more fun, no more return, 3/4 bankroll gone, the only gain is PD point. Oh please, i only want my bankroll back.
7. 4-5 hours: thats it. The slot(s) machine is a winner again. I lost all my bankroll again. Lucky still left $20 for a cab.
8. On way back to escalator, wait, maybe try $10 on this machine next to escalator. Yup, win another $10. Ok, Another try on the other machine. Not as lucky...sigh.., lost them all. Left only $10. Go home with the same record. Lose.
Apologise if i offended anybody here, but, these were my real experiences so far :(. not only once, but many times. it always the same cycle.

Hope can help to remind those who are new and thought slots is easy to win (it is not).
My points are:
1. The "Fun factor" are the starting of the emotion trigger and what makes me stay longer, although, it is a winning state.
2. I feel down when lose, then feel energetic again when going to casino next time. But the questions are, did i remember my loses yesterday? how did i lost it? what do i learn? How much more I have to lose before it is a matter of going or not?
3. Many (including me) did not realise spending more than 2 hours will make the body and mind numb. and yet we still force it, untill the point when we really lose it all.
4. IF point 3 is valid, then what is the point of going to casino? to have fun, emotion roller coaster then lose my bankroll as the price?
5. If I count, a trip easily i played 10-15 machines. Of course the lose machine are more than win, plus, win only return me my capital.
What i learn and i wish to achieve:
1. Whatever comes first, win or lose, 2 hours is the time i have.
2. First 10 spins in small credit, the rest in higher credit. Provided; have 100 units of bankroll.
3. If lose, time to go home.
4. If win, move to another machine WITH same energy like point 1 and 2, If win again, go home.
5. Play only 5 machines each trip.
6. If we put 4-5 hours in term of office hour, that is easily $50 - $100 of salary. Why do we want to lose both time and $ for the sake of "Fun"
I am new and a tiny roller. Would any big and experience player enlighten me please? Thanks in advance.