Looks like my June Birthday MBS Casino Visits [within 2 x 24-hrs ] have somehow REVIVED the MBS Free Roomstays for me
This afternoon got SMS

Seems the Free Room Offer has SHRUNK from the previous Total 4N per monthly-period {2 half-months} to ONLY 2N monthly now !!!
And SMS reads “… enjoy a complimentary room offer upgrade to 2 complimentary night stay for the period xxxx…”
Anyway dates needed before they could verify room update rates here :
For the 2 Available Sat Dates with Club Rooms - seems this is what my entitlement would be
- Club Room [Garden View] - top up $130++
- Club Room [City View] - top up $180++
- Grand Club Room [City View] - top up $210++
Yes these rates are about $100 cheaper across the board - compared with the 2013 Top-Up Rates
So I guess - matter of Balance [+-] here - Reduce the Number of Free Room Nights overall but Upgrade Room One Tier Free ?
Have booked a City View Club and Grand Club Room respectively over 2 Sats BUT might now have to Switch the Grand Club Room booking date to a FRIDAY instead as meant that for a “Pre-Birthday Hen Party" [my group of close girlfriends [NON-casino-going] have been using MBS as a convenient Get-together/Catch-Up Venue ….] and some of the other ladies prefer Fri over Sat due to prior commitments
Inflation has also affected MBS - find that the SkyPark Breakfast for the ‘extra guests’ now costs $44++ each instead of the previous $39++ … hahaha
Right - pls Keep On with the Free Room Offers here :p

TQ very much ……
BTW …my office recently has put a lot of websites away from us …blocking the sites esp what the IT Dept term ‘social media or gambling etc sites’ … some blogs, Singapore Pools, HDZ, Slots, THIS site etc
So for this & HWZ site - I can still only read but CAN’T Post in office …..
Also do you guys know of any POWERFUL Anti-Blocker or Proxy Sites to deal with this ????
So far have tried "US Anti-Block "but it’s NOT 100% enabled in the sense that some sites still couldn’t ‘function as normally’ …. sighzzzzz