I think sis jjcc888 kena kong tao,never see her lose control before
Sighzzzzz ..... what to do ...
Lousy Luck coupled with "Bad-Timing Slots" even my fav ones :o :(
I WAS into too much "too intensive play" there
- not rewarding too - I guess on the whole there for slot-playing.....
For my next early Oct stay - I have also just booked the Offer-Rate Club City View Room [at $259++ with ALL the Club "Meals" not just breakfast for max 2 pax] for Sun check-in - after checking out of my Fri + Sat complimentary Premier Garden Room
Was asked whether I wanted a Grand Club Room at $249++ [BUT no guarantee of High Floor as might be given LOWER Floor altho' also comes with full Club "Meals" not just breakfast] but rejected as don't like Low Floor Rooms
- whereas ALL Club Rooms are guaranteed to be found on 34th-49th Floor
since the Club Garden Rooms at offer $229++ were not available.
YES - MUST really consider another Self-Ban again

"Recover & Stay Away from Casino" while doing my travelling etc
Only step in when have "excess funds situation etc" :o :( sighzzzzz
Alamak - as I was typing this
MBS Guy who checked me out this morning called
Seems the $150 E&S Voucher I'd handed him has now been used towards my next Club Room booking by the Casino guys [they are much faster than the Hotel side here] so the Hotel will now have to deduct $150 Sands Dollars from my account instead
But I should have more E&S - oops didn't print out fresh one on Sat/Sun altho' did see statement that I could go for a $200 Voucher instead -is that all 'gone' now ?? If so wasted !!!
Nvm - what's this compared to the huge real losses this weekend ….
EDITED : Went MBS after work as levy on till after 10++pm
Checked and printed out $200 E&S Voucher
{since not going back in for the rest of this week + possibly remaining Sep + Oct Months too - forget that reminder to earn another 83 pts to get $500 E&S Voucher instead of just $200 Voucher}
Well - since I was there - used/lost the balance of last night's ATM WD - wow... am I some masochist !!!!
Just THIS WEEKEND's total loss >> 5k from previous remaining BR balance and profits + Fresh 3x3k + $$Bank2 ATM WDs ---> easily $15-16k there
Yes - I was MAD - overly irrationally exuberant over what huh ???
Alamak - just total recent months' losses since June Birthday Visit THIS year : >30K+ ??? ...die luh …..
Why - why - why ….. sighzzzzzzzz
Afterall I've already had my 'slot honeymoon period' during my annual levy days …. so why did I do what I did ????
Hmmm ….. must it that I check-in with my negative mother in order to see some profit or what ?
Also for THIS Weekend trip, I took several meals at Tong Dim and once at The Nest [have kinda stopped doing that for quite a while] - did THAT lead to my huge fast 'downfall' here ?
AND somehow I didn't have the time to paint my toe-nails before MBS - could that also have contributed in some way ???
THIS time tho' I took care to be in my usual so-called 'luckier colors' too - WHAT went wrong huh ?
One thing I DO know
Somehow I'm playing 'bigger at 300/450cr or mainly 150cr many times' rather than just 60-150cr as in the old days for the 2c slots - for COE it's max bet at 400cr
ALSO - playing in rather Fast & Furious Style ----> ie impatient way rather than the more relaxed manner
So no wonder the BR also finished up much much faster - not helped by slots that are tight and refused to give Free Games etc
So NOW must only ENJOY the Hotel Stayovers since no more (excess) $$ for casino till some time later
Not unless someone above is kind enough with TOTO & Big Sweep hahaha ……sighzzzzzz