That lady couldn't have been me - playing the slot 722 as your timing and mine didn't co-incide for this Fri - Sat !
Friday afternoon - decided to skip that spa again [quite sian of their hard-selling etc]
Went to check out again a Jiuzhaigo JZG Package from a Chinatown Travel Agency specializing in that region (we like their comprehensive/different 10D itinerary [doing the grasslands etc instead] compared to others that go to usual Leshan/EmeiShan as well (which we're NOT interested as not Buddhists etc enough of temples in China )
- need to 'compare against' that 5D4N Groupon JZG Deal that I'd bought much earlier that's basically just 2N in JZG and 2N Chengdu and overall pricing [with single supplement as my 'China-going friend' now wants to do the JZG Trip only NEXT year in 'warmer' spring/summer instead and working on a Customised Trip forming our own smallish group so WON'T have any horrible shopping stops .....
BUT I want to see the JZG Autumn Colours THIS year too - next year can see JZG etc at different timing/season !
In the end made a booking for late Oct as travelling to Europe THIS Oct-Nov isn't possible due to time-clashing of my usual Europe-travel companion with her boss - so might as well explore 'cheaper' JZG at its autumn best instead !!!
Very cheap - even with single supplement - still BELOW 2k !
So itchy-me entered MBS only after 3.35pm Fri :p
1st slot played was that Crown of Egypt COE [on lhs] nearest to 722 which was occupied
My BR was 2.3k - [+Later Top-Up of 2k - ATM WD] - practically lost all on Fri
I max-bet at 400cr and played 320/240 cr on this COE which was VERY responsive
Within the 1st half-hour I hit a BIG Win of 95,500cr or $1910 !
My neighbour said she's never seen such a big win with COE before
But CAN'T leave so early in the day .... so continued until 722 was unoccupied then switched slots
WRONG Decision ever

722 was simply BAD on Fri afternoon
No matter how I 'coaxed' it, it just wouldn't behave
It ate up all my COE Winnings and more :(
I admit I was AGAIN in my very tiki mood
Just refusing to stop and go off to another slot
Just banging away on 300/450 cr play etc so no wonder the BR got eroded pretty fast
Did my 2k Top-Up ATM WD and went back to that COE
Played for long time here - usual UPs and Downs
Managed to get some decent wins and eventually only lost part of 2k Top-Up BR
Same neighbour [who also came back here later] commented that I seem to get 'good large win credits' with my Max Bets whereas her machine doesn't give such payouts with her Max Bets so she more or less stick to 240 cr play
After midnite - had to attend to full almost-bursting bladder and redeem my TITOs for cash
Played Kia's fav 5c 5D 1109 at Fatt Choi Area
Initially it gave quite good wins but turned into Usual Diminishing Return Pattern with prolonged play
Lost more of my 2k Top-Up BR from this probably 1-2 hr play here
Then on way out, passed by CE Area - no chance at fav corner FK
Saw that my fav 2c 5D [0197] was unoccupied but had to 'squeeze' myself between 2 guys [one blowing smoke into my face too on lhs :( ]
As usual, 0197 gave Good Play again
At one point I managed Full Recovery of 2k Top-Up BR + Some original BR
ie. Only "small loss" BUT as I was in a Stubborn tiki mood - I didn't stop when I should and simply continued
Lost everything back again except for few $100 notes and only then 'willing to leave' ......
When I woke up rainy Sat morning after 9am, while preparing to go MBS
Kena 'strong lecture' from mom with her 'emotional blackmail threats' and all


Anyway brought 3k [2k to play together with last night balance few $100s + 1k Spare BR] from drawer balance
Arrived MBS before 12 noon
Started at that COE slot again, but THIS time, not like yesterday leh
Was very lack-lustre with not-good play - lost some hundreds here
Once male occupier left 5K 0722
- I switched over after doing Usual Sterilization/Clean-Up with Wet-Ones [don't want rashes from cigarette ashes etc]
0722 was just SLIGHTLY better as altho' it DID give features etc
The 'pattern combination' was NOT Smooth in that it was always NOT FH etc
SO usual Give Small Take More - end up losing here about 1k of my 2k Sat BR
Told myself NOT to be stubborn and leave for another machine since didn't have much time left
The Star Performer today was again the CE 5D 0197
Managed to double or multiply several times EACH $100 note played here
VERY VERY Responsive and switching at Correct Timing from 150 to 300 cr play at Crucial times
Gave good FH Features repeatedly etc etc etc
Managed to get combined final TITO of over 2k from this machine
Thus managed to Reduce my Fri 4.3k losses by over 1k to maybe just under 3k
[But Total Losses since end-June B-Day visit - really quite 'Heart-Pain' sighzzzzzz ]
Sometimes I think I need to KICK myself hard
SHOULD Stop and Run when I have made good gain - otherwise all zero off or worse
For this Fri-Sat trip there were quite a few times when I won 2k+ each time BUT all these disappeared with Continued Stubborn Play as usual

MUST be like bro Kia - play many machines each visit and stop after winning few hundreds there ??
I only play 3-4 machines at most EACH visit !
Hmmmm ..... after MBS I went to cut/dye/treat my hair and the Hair-Salon pple were saying that Someone was caught and penalised at MBS for visiting MBS one time too often that month ????
Is there such a rule//ban ????
They said it started from 1st June - how come I'm not aware of such a thing here ?
Bro Kia - how do you play the Bonus $$ - not at the slot like the last time - using PIN etc ???
Must be 7Up Baccarat only ?
I DO know one thing - the Membership Lady told me I could only swipe my card OUTSIDE the Casino if I want for the Phantom of the Opera Promo - BUT I need to activate that at the Counter Outside according to the Kiosk Error Message near the Casino-MRT Entrance