Yesterday one of my newer secretaries who started working here only about 3 months back came to me and said "I heard from the rest that you always go MBS...." Alamak :o :p
I said "Not anymore - not since Annual Levy expired last August 2011 .......... can't afford to go as lost too much ..... now will only be on $100 Daily Levy when accompanied with Free Roooms - now I don't even bother to step in when collecting my free mooncakes or the free concerts since my Slot Luck is so terrible sighzzzzzzzzzzzz :(
Now with the Much TIGHTER slots at BOTH casinos - also not much FUN anymore -
NO Shiok feeling after paying the expensive entertainment fee - no entertainment obtained but only frustration + empty br/pocket !!!!!!!
She then confessed that she'd lost 150k playing MBS slots
AND the reason why she had to go back to work
Her MBS Annual Levy expired just a month ago
I replied "Sama sama - my losses about there too "
Think Average Loss for a one year period for most
She said with the Public Holiday still worth paying $100 to maximise 24-hour timing
Stupid authorities should allow for $30 6-hour levy so that we kiasu ones WON'T have to die-die STAY the whole 24 hours and Lose more during that longer period
6 Hours is just about nice to satisfy that slot urge with modest BR ?
Anyway I satisfy my slot urge playing my iPhone Aristocrat 5D etc
Don't have to lose real $$$ - leaving me to spend my hard-earned $$$ ELSEWHERE
I'm now in the midst of plotting my next casino outing hehehe

Thinking of the 2/1/2013 4D3N KL/Malacca new Costa Cruise departing from the new Marina Bay Cruise Centre [Groupon Deal]
Will be a "Kill many birds with one stone" thingy here
- post-Birthday Cruise present for mom [otherwise known as My Reluctant Travel Companion where casinos/gambling are present]
- my Clearing Leave vacation

have to convince mom that I WON'T be spending all my time in the casino as there'll be shore excursions etc and that it WON'T be boring for her

Fingers crossed I'll have the usual Beginners' Luck with this new casino/ship
My next holiday could well be a DIY to France in May {with some 'can click' tour members from my last Europe trip} after a free China land tour [probably choosing Beijing] from Travel Agency in April ?