Is it true that we can now
ONLY BOOK 1N $129 PremierDollar Room in the whole one solid month ?
Kia - did you get any FREE room nites or Room Offers (how many nites) for Nov ?
I'm wondering whether any difference on the Nov Room Offers for the Gold, Platinum & Diamond members [I know Diamond members have complimentary room upgrades from the list of benefits]
Right - let me give my 3rd MBS 2N Fri- Sun Stayover Field report :
Queued to check-in before 3pm Fri
Was told with my Blazing 3s Free Room Upgrade voucher, my Atrium Premier room had been upgraded to Horizon Premier but the cute young guy at Reception Counter said he was giving me yet ANOTHER upgrade to an Atrium Grand room {ie Bigger room with bathtub & requested city view BUT on a very low 7th floor - accepted that since can sacrifice 'higher Horizon floor' for a bigger room}
- have found furnishings in previous 1st room in Tower 3, 30th Floor very basic and WITHOUT any bathtub for T3
- my 2nd room on 17th floor T2 facing construction/sea had a tiny balcony - bathtub, chaise lounge and carpet with floral pattern in GREEN
(was that an Atrium Premier room or an Atrium Deluxe ?)
- my 7th floor Atrium Grand room was much bigger with a sofa and lattice-screen pattern lining wall (carpet in BROWN floral pattern) and with bathtub as the centre-piece with separate glass-door enclosed shower and wc areas
Hmmmm .... would love to stay over at a Horizon Grand room or the Suite of course :p
BUT not sure whether STANDARDS are really dropping at MBS
{This time I'll probably opt out of further feedback surveys as don't wish to be possibly 'blacklisted' and barred from having more room stays etc in future ?}
It was at least 5pm before I got the phone call that my room was cleaned and ready [getting much longer & later here !!!!]
Imagine we check-out by 11 am and check-in only after 3 pm officially - if we only get to our rooms closer to 5.30 - 6 pm, what are we paying for - a FEW HOURS stay only ????
This ALSO occurs to some of their regular/tourists clients - overhead a tourist saying he doesn't want his overseas phone to be called when his room was ready too etc and was advised to check AFTER 2 hours etc ....
Like that might as well check in only AFTER 5pm onwards !!! :(
Hope I didn't miss hearing my name being called during any of the Wild Cash drawings as some of the time wasn't able to hear/see the names drawn there as might be busy playing or in the toilets etc etc etc :o
I played very hard on Fri and only went back to the room to sleep AFTER 7 am Sat (after losing quite a bundle from my much prolonged play as is usual by now

We went for Sat lunch at the Chinese restaurant there Jing Shan (Chef Huang) - had beef noodles and some dimsum
Was told restaurant NOT related to the casino and CAN'T use my PremierDollars to pay for the meal : can get 10% discount with Premier Card
Found the prices here higher than at other restaurants
Went back to room to make use of the facilities
Washed my hair and soaked myself in the tub [reminded me of the hot Japanese onsen bath :p

] relaxed etc ....
My friend's favourite activity was people-watching the streams of people in/out of the Shoppes and the Casino from our low 7th flr room

Only started at the casino nearer 6pm Sat
Stopped to have late dinner at the Food Court with my friend, then continued playing till the early morning again
Had the usual UPs and DOWNs but managed on the whole to preserve large part of remaining playing capital
Slept till checkout time 11 am Sun
MBS had already deducted $200 deposit + 2N Room Rates from my credit card on Fri and said this would be cancelled when I did my checkout on Sun and they would instead deduct from my PremierDollars then
Found this procedure rather unusual & odd : at most OTHER hotels they would simply swipe my credit card WITHOUT any stated amount or my signing it at all during check-in [just as a 'deposit' and would tear up slip on checkout if no charges]
After checking out, deposited my bag at the B1 Left Luggage Section
Then started play again
Decided to try my 1st Ruby Room Buffet - not bad for $15
Had congee, kwayteow, kueh, fruits ....
Found that [so far] as in all my MBS hotel stays I'm much 'luckier' during the final 1-2 hours
On Sun night, I played the OTHER GoldenStorm machine again [behind the 8 Quickhits one and with my back facing the wall] and hit 7 Quickhits or $600+
I then went up to the L1 Power Platinum PP slots and did my quick-rotating strategy which worked that night
Tho' I didn't manage to hit any High-level Bonuses, I DID manage to grow my $50 notes somewhat
So I DID manage to recoup some part of my lost capital [from Fri etc]
BTW there's this Wild Glitzy Bear slot near the PP slots which can be quite good-paying - discovered this a couple of trips back
See other post on B1 Left Luggage STRICT 10 pm collection timing

Bc of that I was forced to go to MBS on Mon night after work to collect my bag AND lost what I'd managed to recoup except for a $251.05 ticket [grown from other GoldenStorm slot again]
I will now leave my bag at the L1 Counter instead of the one at B1
I have a very concerned friend and colleague who's telling me NOT to go to the casino anymore [especially after the Sat IR Report]
I can still afford my losses [tho' simtia bc the $$ could be used on 'better things' instead of sheer paid fun]
I feel I need only to DISCIPLINE myself to much shorter hours so that I wouldn't be subject to such losses
As is usual, it depends on the DAY & Our LUCK etc etc etc when it comes to slots
eg The SilverRain DID give me some good Free Games tho' no big hits
So did "Kia's GoldFish slot" - did give me a fair bit of credits
This time round, it was the other GoldenStorm slot that gave out 7 Quickhits
It's a pity with the Quickhit slots, we MIGHT get 6 - 7 Quickhits BUT unfortunately for THAT spin we did not play MAX 90 credits and ended up with lower winnings instead

OK bros here - Wish me luck with my DISCIPLINE

I'm sure I CAN will myself to do better here
MUST MUST MUST STOP PLAY once hit decent winnings of say $300 per trip here
MUST calculate like bro silverfox
If can make $200 - $300 per trip
If 2 trips per week : $400 minimum x 4 weeks = $1,600 extra per month
Yalor - why not have an EXTRA $1,600 per month instead of LOSS $xxx or $xxxx per trip ???