The education system is another example. Under the British, even a secondary 2 or 3 student could read/write better English than our graduates now including some ministers (Zorro is good example).
I totally agree with what
freedalas had said.
Today, the command of English is truly getting poorer and poorer by the day.
So many spelling error continue to appear on the State television news channels. Look closely and you will note.
Our so-called highly-educated journalist are also equally in the same shoes. Look at the news in the papers... You and me (graduates of "sekolah attap") can easily detect the glaring mistakes.
Our sign-boards placed outside by the RC's, CCC, CCMC (whatever other C there maybe) also carry many grammatical errors.
Other good examples are as follows: "Erection of School" as "Election of School".
I remember receiving an email from a friend of a photo that showed a sign in a hospital with the following direction in English:
"For Family Planning Matters Please Use the Back-side". Probably the Family Clinic was at the rear of the hospital concerned.
Hope a day will not dawn, when we too have such signs like
"Sleepy Floor Beware" in a toilet at Changi Airport.
Those who think that they speak too good English can also be of help by directly replying to something in a conversation that they don't understand, as a simple
"sorry I don't understand" instead of
"your bombascity, perplexity and complexity is beyond my capacity of apprehension".
It is very true that even certain Ministers cannot speak proper English. I am shy to name them as they are all "specially-selected by a Committee" and command such obscene salaries.
The leaders who spoke good simple English in the past were the late Devan Nair, Rajaratnam, JBJ and EW Barker. The other is the present LKY and his son LHL.
My favourite radio is 92.40. Hear the DJs and you will hear the following, "lets have a listen of Mozart, blah, blah, blah UuRRRgggghhhh.