KNN...just now went Suckee Sushi with gf for lunch. Was seated along the conveyor belt seats. Along came 2 Sinkie ladies in executive wear.
One of them kept whining and bitching about things. Even whined about male colleagues discussing Jap porn. Fucking uptight bitch. If men don't watch porn, I WORRY! Act like some holy virginal church mouse. Pui! Then comprain this compraint that.
Then i thought about it and realized that it wasn't just her. On countless occasions, i have overheard Sinkie women whining and bitching for prolonged periods.
Why? I lost my appetite just now cos of her constant yapping! :oIo:
P.S My gf seems alright. Though she sometimes comprain. But she knows i will give it to her if she do it too much, so maybe in front of me, she tone down. :p