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sinkee manager sacks 6 pinoys and 1 ceca for fraud in employing more pinoys


Alfrescian (Inf)
Once you get some of their people in your company's HR department, your company is as good as gone. They are like a virus. Give it a few years and the transformation is complete.

Your job may or may not be at risk. Even if you keep your job, you will find out that no longer enjoy working there like you used to.


Fake new. Every few years the same post cum again. Sinkie lidat oso can feel shiok shiok? :rolleyes:


KNN my uncle also think this is fake news KNN firstly my uncle think a manager alone cannot terminate the service of those involved by himself he definitely needs to escalate to higher level KNN 2ndly if leelee true this is already a polis case KNN