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Singtel is a commercial enterprise and the company can do whatever they want to boost their revenue to benefit their shareholders.
Instead of complaining on cyberspace, why don't you buy one share of Singtel stock and raise the issue to the top management and board of directors regarding their marketing strategy during shareholders' meetings? Plenty of American activists are doing it. i.e. Own one share of Citigroup stock to gain the right to attend the shareholders' meetings and raise the issue of too big to fail gov't bailouts to big banks while the average Joe six packs were left to go bankrupt.
The same can said with some American activists who owned one share of McDonald's stock and raised the issue about the company serving unhealthy foods making Americans fat during shareholder's meetings.
sinkie, i used to own shares of singtel but i was never asked to attend any shareholders meeting.. pls dun use a Democratic version on a sinkie 3rd world version..it doesn't work.