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[Singapore] - "Yesterday just attended a relative's funeral..."


Alfrescian (InfP)
Generous Asset

summersky1986 :​

Went without knowing why did she pass.. found out from my aunt in law that my grand aunt passed 1 day after the pfizer jab..

Admittedly, she was over 80 and her health was not in tip top condition..

But if didn't jab now still can be home with her family...

Not discouraging people not to vax.. we all should make our own choices..

Is really jin sad.. the son works in a pub.. so asked the mom to jab for her safety... 1 jab then bye bye le..


Alfrescian (Inf)
Ho Ching wasn't kidding when she said the most vulnerable (old farts) need to get vaxxed. :wink::sneaky:


It's a funny thing that we don't get to hear from any mudderfarkers about relatives or friends of the unvaccinated who have died from COVID.



summersky1986 :​

Went without knowing why did she pass.. found out from my aunt in law that my grand aunt passed 1 day after the pfizer jab..

Admittedly, she was over 80 and her health was not in tip top condition..

But if didn't jab now still can be home with her family...

Not discouraging people not to vax.. we all should make our own choices..

Is really jin sad.. the son works in a pub.. so asked the mom to jab for her safety... 1 jab then bye bye le..
No wonder I see so many funerals under hdb this past few weeks.



summersky1986 :​

Went without knowing why did she pass.. found out from my aunt in law that my grand aunt passed 1 day after the pfizer jab..

Admittedly, she was over 80 and her health was not in tip top condition..

But if didn't jab now still can be home with her family...

Not discouraging people not to vax.. we all should make our own choices..

Is really jin sad.. the son works in a pub.. so asked the mom to jab for her safety... 1 jab then bye bye le..
She must be the typical PAP voter. She deserves her fate.


PAP would be happy to get rid of the old, poor and useless.. They are a burden to the state..


It's a funny thing that we don't get to hear from any mudderfarkers about relatives or friends of the unvaccinated who have died from COVID.

Shows that Corvid may not be as deadly as they want you to believe. After all, how many fatalities are there in our little red dot since the start of the saga?