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Singapore Malay : "im sorry but i rather have a competent chinese PM than living in a country that looks like Kelantan ".

syed putra

can see she doesn’t like to wear tudungs. cover her angelina jolie wannabe good looks.
She is blind yo the fact that in sinkie, she has no chance to move up. Only the most. Mid level. In both private snd public sector unless she works for western multinational and some japanese conglomerates if she speak japanese..


Alfrescian (Inf)
She is blind yo the fact that in sinkie, she has no chance to move up. Only the most. Mid level. In both private snd public sector unless she works for western multinational and some japanese conglomerates if she speak japanese..
can lah. can one day becum el presidente if she sucks pappie cocks.


What's wrong if she is just stating the facts ...

Truth hurts.

I am afraid that for 10 competent Malays ... there will be also be another 1,000 incompetent Malays. Less intelligence countries will always struggle to progress. Once in a while, there will be someone making sensible comments. However, problem is the vast incompetent majority will drown the competent minority. And the Minority is unable to uplift the vast majority.

Race and IQ