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Singapore Malay : "im sorry but i rather have a competent chinese PM than living in a country that looks like Kelantan ".


Old Fart
An enlightened chio and havoc minah, although a mother already.



Spoken like a Malay who probably isn't Muslim and has never prayed in her life, nor is aware of the history how Malays were oppressed.

syed putra

Right now there is a huge divide in malaysia. The country is divided not by race but by language. The english speakers are the most diverse.
They are currently very silent. Not represented at all in parliament. But they quietly build private svhools thst is independent of national curriculum.


My salute to Mdm Shafiqah. Truth & realities stand on its own unshakable pedestal.

In the past, when our colonial Brit masters decided to grant Asians its independence, after its mistakes & realizations that colonialism is not going to work, let alone in England where even in the 16th century the English had FOUGHT against the rights of kings & founded a republic, where each individual & family - the building block of Civilization, MUST be represented, & thus Asian nations were left to decide on its own destiny, even Vietnam by the mid 70s, & most had succeeded & became CONTRIBUTORS to Human Civilization, with help from other nations that realize trade is far more sustainable than domination.

When Msia gained its independence thru evidence that it could gain majority support to rule the archipelago, it promised EQUALITY to all inhabitants, but sadly, it did not once the ink on the document was not even yet dried. The Malay governers & rulers started with affirmative actions, claiming that its then population of malays whom were mostly uneducated, were farmers & fishermen, would be disadvantaged against the Chinese descendants of Ming Princess Hang Li Po & her large Chinese entourage of maidens, scholars, administrators, etc, whom married the intelligent & adventurer Parameswara who changed his Indian Sanskript name to Sultan Manshur Shah, deigned by China back then as the rightful owner of Malacca & by its aided Chinese administrators, accorded him as the rightful ruler of the Malay archipelago & its support, till the Brits & Japanese Imperial Army invaded.

The Chinese understood & assisted, but the affirmative action became a blank cheque even till today. There is NO doubt that there are COMPETENT Malays, but equally there are INCOMPETENT ones whom used the agreed upon social pact to enrich themselves & use RACE & RELIGION politics to ensure their own power & wealth, resulting in OPPRESSION OF BOTH Malays & other races in multi-racial Malaysia when the colonial masters left.

Oppression needs not be in just physical torture. It lays also in mental & economic torture. The insignificant nobody once had the opportunity for an official visit to its port department. I was shocked that despite the numerous computer terminals & desk, there was only a quarter of supposed U grad staff at work, & it was NOT even the time for the usual 5 times of prayer that some whom profess religious beliefs to do so. Worst - ships were calling for assistance to unload their goods from the World. I queried the malay manager, he just shook his head & shoulders, implying this is Malaysia.

Equally, I went to the other races quarters & was shocked to see highly intelligent men & women, despite all affirmative odds they lack, not even as Msia grads, working 14hrs a day to push their companies & even mere shops ahead to meet Worldwide demands as Msia is a export nation.

The insignificant nobody humbly apologizes to all Malaysians, regardless of whatever races - foolishly deemed superior or inferior, for my post, & sincerely wish them all the best. We are all fellow Humans, & would need to work TOGETHER, regardless of whatever differences - shape, size, color, education, religion, background,etc we have, if we this generation are to PROGRESS & EVOLVE Humanity for the next generation, beginning at home, & to nation...

syed putra

Oppression needs not be in just physical torture. It lays also in mental & economic torture. The insignificant nobody once had the opportunity for an official visit to its port department. I was shocked that despite the numerous computer terminals & desk, there was only a quarter of supposed U grad staff at work, & it was NOT even the time for the usual 5 times of prayer that some whom profess religious beliefs to do so. Worst - ships were calling for assistance to unload their goods from the World. I queried the malay manager, he just shook his head & shoulders, implying this is Malaysia.
Malaysian ports are among the most efficient on the planet. Their work does not bound them to the desk top.
Equally, I went to the other races quarters & was shocked to see highly intelligent men & women, despite all affirmative odds they lack, not even as Msia grads, working 14hrs a day to push their companies & even mere shops ahead to meet Worldwide demands as Msia is a export nation.
Other races have family ties overseas in which to tap in finance, investment, buyers or outsourcing.